Gruppy i individy, kotoryye predstavlyayut to, chto izvestno kak dvizheniye protiv globalizatsii, nachalis' v kontse dvadtsatogo veka. Ikh tsel'yu bylo borot'sya s globalizatsiyey korporativnoy ekonomicheskoy deyatel'nosti i predotvrashchat' svobodnuyu torgovlyu mezhdu stranami, kotoraya mozhet vozniknut' v rezul'tate takoy deyatel'nosti. dvizheniya protiv globalizatsii, kak pravilo, napravleny na to, chtoby zashchitit' naseleniye i ekosistemu mira ot togo, chto, po ikh mneniyu, yavlyayetsya pagubnym effektom globalizatsii. Podderzhka prav cheloveka yavlyayetsya yeshche odnim krayeugol'nym kamnem platformy dvizheniya protiv globalizatsii.
Travel is thought to broaden people's mind in the sense that living in another re allows them to compare it with their own. People travel to widen their scope and they want to see what is on the other side of the world. Travelling we enjoy different places, meet different people and try different food. Almost all people like travelling because it's very interesting for them to get acquainted with unknown people and with their culture, to get new impressions, to see new places, towns and countries.