i think everybody knows that sport is very important part of healthy lifestyle. you can choose any type of sport. it doesn’t matter if you want to be fit, healthy and cheerful.i like lessons of physical education at school. moreover, i attend boxing section after lessons. it’s one of my favorite types of pastime. i constantly develop in this direction and improve my skills.several teachers was training me. all of them were attentive for me and highly professional. i have two friends who attend boxing with me. we spend our free time together.переводдумаю, все знают, что спорт — важная составляющая здорового образа жизни. вы можете выбрать любой вид спорта. это не имеет значения, если вы хотите быть в хорошей форме, здоровым и бодрым.мне нравятся уроки физкультуры в школе. кроме того, я хожу на секцию бокса после уроков. это одно из моих любимых занятий в свободное время. я постоянно развиваюсь в этом направлении и улучшаю свои навыки.меня тренировали несколько учителей. все они были внимательны ко мне и профессиональны. у меня есть два лучших друга, которые ходят на бокс вместе со мной. мы проводим свободное время вместе.
1.the ratio of the state's population to the population of all of the states 2.The Secretary of State is appointed by the President as part of his cabinet However, it is not quite so simple as that. The position of "Secretary of State" is not one of appointment, meaning no one is appointed to the position. Instead, the President nominates a candidate for the position. The candidate is then presented to the United States Senate, where a vote is held to confirm or reject the candidate. The candidate is sworn into duty once they gain the simple majority needed to be confirmed to the position.3.For the U.S. Supreme Court it is a lifetime appointment. There are nine justices. There are no "judges" on the Supreme Court. Appointments to the federal judgships are at levels below the Supreme Court are also permanent appointments.