1.boss of a company
The boss works in his company
The boss usually plans all of the company work
The boss always makes sure that the company is going and working
The boss usually has a huge burden because he needs to make sure of the work and he needs to plan all of the work
The boss often can fire or hire a worked
The boss can occasionally go on break whenever he want.
The boss can never not do anything because if he doesn’t do anything the company will fall apart.
The boss usually needs to make sure the employees are trustworthy
The boss can always leave the company early
The boss can always yell at the employees but that will be a negative thing to do
The boss occasionally needs to pay his bills
The boss always needs to remember to pay the employees
The boss never should do anything bad because the company is all on him.
The boss should be a wise person so that the other companies can work with him/her.
The boss usually works for 7-8 hour but it depends on the person
The teacher should always be the roll model for the students
The teacher should always be wise and smart so that she can teach the students the right thing
The teacher often has he power to yell at the students but only when necessary
The teacher occasionally has a break when the students are not there.
The teacher hardly ever can kick a student out only when it’s really needed
The teacher always have the weekends out because the school is closed
The teacher always should give a small amount of homework to the students
The teacher always needes to mark the students work
The teacher hardly ever can have a break when the students are around
The teacher always have the responsibility for the students
The teacher osten can give detention to the bad behaved students
The teacher usually gives out a task to do in class for practice.
The teacher usually works for 8-9 hours.
The teacher always works or teaches at school
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11 35% В кино Фильмы - это неотъемлемая часть нашей жизни, и они играют важную роль в жизни нашего общества. Многие считают поход в кино одним из лучших провести свободное время. История кино началась в 1890-х годах, когда были изобретены кинокамеры и начали создаваться компании по производству фильмов. После того, как братья Люмьер изобрели кинематограф, кино широко распространилось по всему миру. Я люблю ходить в кино. Когда у меня появляется свободное время, я всегда хожу посмотреть новый фильм. Я люблю разные жанры, такие как драма, комедия и трагедия. Когда я хочу пойти в кино, я обычно смотрю в программе, какие фильмы идут. Потом я звоню другу, и мы обсуждаем, какие фильмы смотреть. Мы предпочитаем художественные фильмы, но также любим мультфильмы и научно-популярные фильмы. Посмотреть хорошую историю любви, мюзикл или детектив - очень приятный провести свободное время. В этой стране много талантливых актеров и актрис. Мой любимый актер - Олег Янковский. Моя любимая актриса - Наталья Гундарева. Они сыграли главные роли во многих фильмах, и мне всегда нравилась их великолепная игра. Последний фильм, который я видел, - это экранизация романа Маргарет Митчелл «Унесенные ветром». Это старый фильм, но он все еще пользуется большой популярностью. В главной роли играет много знаменитого американца Кларка Гейбла. Я был глубоко впечатлен их игрой и самим фильмом
1- true
2- B
3- B
4- C
5- C
Надеюсь что правильно♡
Summer is my favorite season. Summer holidays give the longest rest from studying of the year that’s why I like them so much.In June I stayed at home and my parents were at work. But I was glad because at last I had time for myself. I read books, listened to music, watched films and visited my friend. I spend most days outdoors and got a nice sun tan.Then I spent two weeks in the summer camp on the seaside. It was a real fun. I met a lot of new friends. Every day we enjoyed something special - games, carnivals, competitions, performances. We went to the seaside twice a day. There we swam, bathed in the sun, played volleyball on the beach, made sculptures of sand. We had discos every night, but not too long. I guess, those were the most exciting weeks of the summer. It gave me bright impressions, lots of funny photos and some new friends.Then my parents were on vacation and so they took me to my parent’s place in the village. It’s a very picturesque place with a forest and a river nearby. I was happy to see my grandmother and grandfather. I spent hot days on the riverbank. Once we went hiking with my parents, made fire, gathered some berries. The summer forest is very beautiful. In the evening I usually helped in the garden.Last month of the summer I was at home again, having rest from such an intensive rest! I did usual things and prepared for school. I like my summer holidays!