Participle I может быть
Z1 определением (attribute)Z2 обстоятельством (adverbial modifier)Z3 частью сказуемого (part of the predicate)Participle II может быть
X1 определением (attribute)X2 обстоятельством (adverbial modifier)Gerund может быть
G1 подлежащим (subject)G2 определением (attribute)G3 обстоятельством (adverbial modifier)G4 именной частью сказуемого (the nominal part of the predicate)G5 прямым дополнением (direct object)G7 косвенным дополнением (indirect object)Advertising [G1] is any paid from of no personal presentation and promotion products, services, or ideas by an identifiable individual or organization. It flourishes mainly in free-market, profit-oriented [noun + Participle II; X1] countries. It is one of the most important factors in accelerating [G7] the distribution of products and helping [G7] to false the standard of living [G2]. Advertising [G1] cannot turn a poor product or service into a good one. But what it can do — and does — is to create an awareness about both old and new products and services. So three main objectives of advertising are: (1) to produce knowledge about the product or service; (2) to create preference for it; and (3) to stimulate thought and action about it.
Careers in advertising [G4] may involve working [G5] for advertisers, media, advertising [Z1] agencies, or suppliers and special services. In opinion of American specialists, at most only 35 colleges and universities in the USA have effective programs of advertising [G2] education. Fewer man 10 offer any truly significant amount of graduate work in advertising [G7]. However, advertising [G1] draws people from a variety of educational backgrounds.
All media use salesmen to sell advertising [Z1] space or broadcasting [Z1] time. Media salesmen must be knowledgeable about business and skilled [X1] in salesmanship.
# 6However, advertising draws people from a variety of educational backgrounds.Careers in advertising may involve working for advertisers, media, advertising agencies, or suppliers and special services.Advertising produces knowledge about the product.# 7Media salesmen must be knowledgeable about business and skilled in salesmanship.Careers in advertising may involve working for advertisers, media, advertising agencies, or suppliers and special services.# 10Awareness about both old and new products is created with advertising.Working for advertisers is involved in careers in advertising.Advertising draws people from a variety of educational backgrounds. (не изменить)
1e 2a 3d 4b 5c
1) My nephew played puzzles yesterday.
2) They bought a new semi-detached house last month.
3) We have already done the washing up.
4) I have taken out rubbish.
5) What did you do yesterday?
6) What have you done?
Sandwiches were great favorites in …Victorian…….England. It was a tradition to take an afternoon tea at about 5…o’clock….., and many rich families …ate…. sandwiches at that time. Cucumber sandwiches were very …popular……. At that time sandwiches were very small and delicate. They are less elegant now and often much bigger. The English eat …millions…..of sandwiches every day. They are a typical "snack”(перекус) meal because they are easy and quick to prepare. You…can…. buy sandwiches if you do not want to make them yourself.
1 I have already tidied my room, swept the floor, taken out yhe rubbish and laid the table.
2. Nick lived in a mansion many years ago.
3. The British are sweet teeth.
4 Boil,peel and chop eggs for the salad.
5. I gave up smoking last year. You also can get rid of this bad habit.
6. We get on with our teachers and parents.