Если Вам необходимо написать в Present Simple, то действительно у глагола в 3-ем лице появится окончание -s (es), но я так поняла, что речь идет о герундии, а герундий это когда из глагола мы получаем существительное, благодаря окончанию -ing, например: to read читать (глагол) — reading чтение (герундий), поэтому: to cook - готовить, а cooking - приготовление
1 Why are cars often criticised? 2 Cars cause air pollution, dom't they? 3 Are cars the main way of transportation for people who live far from their workplaces? 4 Are cars the bests or the worst way of travelling? 5 Who is turning into legless creatures? 6 Who would not be able to survive without cars? 7 Should we improve cars to lower their harmful influence on people's health? 8 Nowadays all cars are to be equipped with special control systems, aren't they? 9 How do cars help us? 10 Are cars necessary or unnecessary in today's world?
1. What is in the room? Where is her desk? 2. What is old? 3. Who is in the classroom? Where are you? 4. Who will be ready soon? When will they be ready? 5. Who was a post-graduate last year? When was she a post-graduate? 6. What will be over tomorrow? When will the work be over? 7. Who was ready to begin the work? What were they ready to begin? 8. Where were you last week? When were you at the University? 9. What is in the note-book? Where is the next text? 10. When will they be students? 11. What is this ancient monastery now?