1. Grain is the product (obtained) by man by (growing) cereals. 2. There are the two crops (differing) in the structure of the roots. 3 Some soils are rich in all kinds of food (required) by plants. 4. The grain crops (require) cool conditions for their best growth are wheat, barley, oats and rye. 5. Crop production can be raised by (cultivating) new land or by (increasing) crop yields. 6. We know many environmental factors (influencing) the growth of farm crops. 7. Corn, sorghum, rice and millets are the crops (adapted) to conditions of short day.
Описание египетских пирамид The Egyptian pyramids are an impressive monument to the power of ancient pharaohs as well as to the toil of numerous slaves. It took 20 years and one hundred thousand workers to build the grandest mausoleum in world history the Great Pyramid of Cheops (Khufu) at Giza.It is the oldest of Seven Wonders of the Ancient World and the only one survived to our days. Khufu’s Pyramid stands 140 meters tall and can be seen from a far distance. Inside it there are three burial chambers: the king’s chamber, the queen’s chamber and the underground chamber. The Great Pyramid is surrounded by several smaller pyramids. They served as tombs for pharaohs and their close relatives. The pyramid complex at Giza is guarded by the Sphinx carved from limestone. It has the head of a man and the body of a lion. The bottom part of the monument is buried under the sands. Египетские пирамиды – впечатляющий памятник могуществу древних фараонов, а также тяжкому труду многочисленных рабов. Понадобилось 20 лет и 100 тысяч рабочих, чтобы построить самый грандиозный мавзолей в мировой истории, – Великую Пирамиду Хеопса (Хуфу) в Гизе. Это старейшее из семи Чудес Света и единственное, уцелевшее до наших дней. Пирамида Хуфу достигает 140 метров в высоту и видна с большого расстояния. Внутри нее находятся три погребальные камеры: камера царя, камера царицы и подземная камера. Великая Пирамида окружена несколькими пирамидами меньшего размера. Они служили гробницами для фараонов и их близких родственников. Комплекс пирамид в Гизе охраняет Сфинкс, высеченный из известняка. У него голова человека и тело льва. Нижняя часть памятника погребена под песками.