In the past few years, people pollute the environment. Most damaging to the Sluch river, which has always given life to our city. However, every year the river is increasingly deteriorating, and there are two reasons for this decline: firstly, it is global warming, which affects not only the America and European countries, but also to Ukraine, and Novograd-Volynskiy, also we do not have enough water in sufficient quantity. And this decline does not stop, but continues. No natural recharge of river water. Secondly, it helps in decline Sluch of the city's population, which dropped into the river a large amount of waste and emissions. I beg you to take immediate decision on cleaning of the river Sluch. In my opinion you need to create a Commission that dealt with these issues. Also the town needs to build ground receiving stations of waste and emissions. I hope you listen to my request and run it. Останій абзац не переписуй він не правильний!
Many children think that recycling paper is a waste of time. But it isn`t correct. It is a fact that less energy is needed to make new paper from recycled paper and less materials is used. When a lot of pepople recycle their paper, a lot of trees are saved and the forest and its wildlife are protected. Because when forests is cut, fewer animals have homes. Every year an area of rainforest the size of Wales is cut down and a lot of animals are disappeared. Besides, it is necessary to understand that when the rainforest is destroyed, it causes global warming. It`s good when children are taught about the enviroment from a young age. Then they understand that everyone can make a difference to their community, their town and the world.
My favorite movie The second volume of the book series of Harry Potter has a special meaning for me, as it was with him began my acquaintance with the world of wizards and Muggles. This was back in school, when we had a collective campaign to just come out of the film based on the book. I liked the movie, but I especially do not understand what the Sinister Volan de Mort, who terrorizes the boy in glasses. It took almost five years before I picked up the novel source, it is expected to have exerted much better impression than the movie (even allowing for the nostalgic plaque, which already covered the film viewing.) In contrast to the Philosopher's Stone, which is still more like a children's adventure tale of a laid-back, "Chamber of Secrets" focuses toward the mysteries and secrets. Indeed, in the book are many intriguing questions - starting with the opening scene from the house elf Dobby and completing the question, who was still a student Tom Riddle's diary which came to Harry.
I beg you to take immediate decision on cleaning of the river Sluch. In my opinion you need to create a Commission that dealt with these issues. Also the town needs to build ground receiving stations of waste and emissions. I hope you listen to my request and run it. Останій абзац не переписуй він не правильний!