Harry and his friends don't go to the cinema on Sunday.
Do Harry and his friends usually go to the cinema on Sunday?
Who usually go to the cinema on Sunday.
How often do Harry and his friends go to the cinema on Sunday?
When do Harry and his friends usually go to the cinema?
Where do Harry and his friends usually go on Sunday?
Harry and his friends usually go to the cinema on Sunday, don't they?
Do Harry and his friends usually or rarely go to the cinema on Sunday?
Do Harry and his friends usually go to the cinema or theatre on Sunday?
Do Harry and his friends usually go to the cinema on Sundayor Saturday?
Do Harry and his friends usually go to the cinema or stay at home on Sunday?
Do Harry and his friends usually go to the cinema or work on Sunday?
Do Harry and his friends or his patents usually go to the cinema on Sunday?
Подсказка: often --> значит present simple
Это привычное постоянное действие