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Нужно укоротить текст, для пересказа.. higher education in russia russia’s higher educational system started with the foundation of the state moscow university founded in the middle of the 18th century. the getting of higher education was and still is very prestigious. students with secondary education can be admitted to higher educational institutions. in previous years school leavers had to take both secondary schools leaving examinations and higher education entrance tests. in 2004 a choice is given to the school leavers after the unified state exam was introduced. many but not all faculties of the universities admit applicants on the basis of the results of the three use chosen by the applicants. on average, competition to enter state university now is 187 applications for 100 places. one of the great attractions of education in russia is the cost. degree study tuition is from $2000 to $8000 per year, with other costs (room, books, etc.) ranging from $1500 to $5000 per year, depending on location and spending habits. the types of the educational institutions in the russian federation are: • university: a higher educational institution with activities aimed at developing education, science, and culture by performing fundamental scientific research and training at all the levels of higher, postgraduate, and further education within a wide range of natural sciences, humanities, and other branches of sciences, technology, and culture. • academy: a higher educational institution with activities aimed at developing education, science, and culture mainly in one specific area of science, technology, and culture. • institute: an independent higher educational institution, which applies vocational education curricula in specific areas of science, technology, and culture. russian higher educational institutions can grant the following types of degrees and diplomas: intermediate diploma; bachelor’s degree; diploma of specialist; master’s degree. the function of the degree of intermediate higher education granted after no less than two years of training is to certify that a student has successfully completed the first two years of the fundamental higher education, which is considered to be a basis of the chosen field of training. besides, this degree provides mobility between various higher educational institutions. the bachelor’s degree is awarded after at least four years of training. it covers almost all fields of knowledge, except medical science. final state certification procedure includes the presentation of the graduation paper. degree of a specialist is awarded after 5–6 years of studies. the degree of a specialist has a double function. it provides access to occupational activities and also gives the possibility to enter postgraduate courses (doctoral programs). final state certification includes presentation of the graduation paper. besides, in the majority of cases students have to pass final state examinations.

 Russia’s higher educational system started with the foundation of the State Moscow University founded in the middle of the 18th century. The getting of higher education was and still is very prestigious. 
Students with secondary education can be admitted to higher educational institutions. The universities admit applicants on the basis of the results of their secondary schools leaving examinations.
One of the great attractions of education in Russia is the cost. Degree study tuition is from $2000 to $8000 per year. 
The types of the educational institutions in the Russian Federation are:
 • University: a higher educational institution with activities aimed at developing education, science, and culture by performing fundamental scientific research and training at all the levels of higher, postgraduate, and further education 
• Academy: a higher educational institution with activities aimed at developing education, science, and culture mainly in one specific area of science, technology, and culture.
• Institute: an independent higher educational institution, which applies vocational education curricula in specific areas of science, technology, and culture. 
Russian higher educational institutions can grant the following types of degrees and diplomas: Intermediate Diploma; Bachelor’s degree; Diploma of Specialist; Master’s degree.
The function of the degree of Intermediate Higher Education granted after no less than two years of training is to certify that a student has successfully completed the first two years of the fundamental higher education. The Bachelor’s degree is awarded after at least four years of training. Degree of a Specialist is awarded after 5–6 years of studies. in the majority of cases students have to pass final state examinations.
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Every man in the world like holidays. In my opinion,ideal  holidays are travelling to different countries,for axample India,England,Canada.If you not able to gone into the foriegn country ,you can gone to towns in your country,that towns can be Sankkt-Peterburg,Moscow etc(etc читается как and so own).I think, that perfect  holidays people must spend with her or his parents,because with them you can gone to everywhere and don't afraid about nothing.In my opinion,with them also you can discuss about  theatres,museums?in that you are went with your parents. in general, your holidays can have differenses from my  holidays.Theire are can be   holidays at home,at camps(just for children) and others. 

Старался, надеюсь отметишь как лучший, звёзд не хватает...

4,4(63 оценок)
В нашем мире очень много талантливых людей. Но к сожалению не всем удается стать всемирно известным. У большинства из нас есть свои кумиры, у кого это кумиры в музыке, у кого в науке и тд. Наши кумиры в какой то мере нам двигаться по направлению к своей мечте, если конечно эти кумиры хоть как то связаны с тем видом деятельности которым вы занимаетесь. Вы спросите "Как же они нам ", а я вам отвечу "Они служат нам примером для подражания, и если ты хочешь добиться тех же высот или хотя бы приблизиться к ним, то соответственно ты будешь равняться на кумира и стараться превзойти его", иными словами, здоровая конкуренция. 


In our world a lot of talented people. But unfortunately not everyone is able to become world famous. Most of us have their own idols who have music idols, one in science, and so on. Our idols in some way help us to move towards their dream, unless of course these idols somehow related to the activity in which you engage. You ask "How can they help us?", and I'll tell you "They serve as role models, and if you want to achieve the same heights, or at least close to them, respectively, you're going to be on idol and try to surpass it", in other words, healthy competition.
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