English superstitions:
1. If a black cat crosses your path, it's bad luck. People often avoid crossing the place where it crossed.
2. Number “13” is unlucky. This fear is so widespread that many hotels omit the 13th floor, and some planes have no 13th row.
3. Breaking a mirror is a surefire way to doom yourself to seven years of bad luck.
4. Crossing fingers brings luck.
5. Friday 13th is an unlucky date.
Russian superstitions:
1. According to Russian superstition, if your ears or cheeks are hot, someone is thinking or talking about you.
2. Whistling indoors in Russia is considered bad luck and will lead to financial problems.
3. Spilling salt will lead to an argument between family members.
4. Sitting down before getting on a trip is considered as good luck in Russia.
5. Never wish a happy birthday before its their actual birthday, or it will bring bad luck.
1. Если черная кошка перебежит дорогу, то это принесет неудачу.
2. Число «13»- неудачное.
3. Если сломать зеркало, то оно принесет тебе 7 лет неудач.
4. Скрещивание пальцев приносит удачу.
5. Пятница 13 считается неудачной датой.
1. Если твои уши красные, то кто-то говорит о тебе.
2. Свистеть дома не самая лучшая идея.
3. Если рассыпать соль, то в семье начнутся ссоры.
4. Посидеть перед поездкой принесет удачу.
5. Не поздравляйте с Днем Рождения за день до него самого.
My favorite book is "Harry Potter" I bought it by accident. When I started reading it, I completely immersed myself in reading. There were so many exciting
events , the main characters of my book are Harry Potter , He is very kind , insecure, but soon he became the best magician who defeated the main villain
This book is very popular and I want as many people as possible to read it
Моя любимая книга это «Гарри Поттер» Я купил её случайно. Когда я начал её читать, то полностью погрузился в чтение. Столько захватывающих
событий было Главные герои моей книги это Гарии Поттер Он очень добрый , неуверенный в себе ,но в скоре он стал самым лучшим магом которыц победил главного злодея Это книга очень популярная и я зочу чтобы как можно больше людей прочитали ее
Don't touch them, they're for sale. / Don't touch them, these are things for sale.
I'm sorry, but this item has already been sold.
We've got a good selection of goods at our shop!
Buying is when you give money and get something you asked for instead.
Try this dress on, it looks brilliant!
At our shop you won't see clothes made of cotton, because we care about your health, and we don't want you to suffer from allergic reactions.