In one of the best Smeshariki`s episodes Krosh and Ezyk were helping Losyash to go on a diet. Unfortunately, friends got lost and that is the reason why they decided to stay in abandoned house. When Losyash were trying to find something to eat, big sandwich suddenly came in the room. It told Losyash that his friends were hiding food from him. That news made Losyash angry and he shouted at Krosh and Ezyk. After all, Ezyk tried to explain Losyash that flying sandwich was nothing more than his hallucination.
Two wizards
One day Nysha and Barash got lost. Then friends found the cave, where they decided to stay. After sampling apples which they found on the ground, Nysha and Barash recieved superpowers. They were able to change whatever they want, but new powers provoked a conflict between friends. Their views about perfect world were too different to coexist. Finally, Nysha and Barash made peace with each other, but they couldn`t escape from world that they created.
1) I must know what you (are talking) about now. 2) Have you ever … (been) to England? 3) As a rule we (do) many exercises in class. 4) We … (bought) a new TV set last week. 5) It’s Friday. Have you (seen) him this week? 6) They (will send) us a telegram if they want to come. 7) Something … (has gone) wrong with my watch. 8) Hello, what are you (doing) there at this late hour? 9) I have never (learnt) French. 10) When did you (see) her last? 11) Now we are (writing) the words of lesson 7. 12) We usually … (speak) English at the laboratory. 13) He … (is tired). He … (worked) hard yesterday. 14) They … (will be discussing) their summer plans in the evening tomorrow. 15) They … (were angry). They hardly … (spoke) to each other.
2) По-видимому, новый подход к проблеме является наиболее удовлетворительным.
3) Похоже, что лазерный луч имеет неограниченные промышленные применения.
4) Казалось, она не слышала, что я сказал.
5) Он оказался хорошим шахматистом.
С. 1) Использование этого устройства несомненно даст лучшие результаты.
1) Вероятно, ему дадут эту работу.
2) Это важная проблема несомненно будет решена в ближайшее время.
3) Вряд ли мы будем часто встречаться.
4) Мы конечно об этом узнаем.
Д. 1) Им было приказано покинуть зал.
2) Певца попросили повторить песню.
3) Его заставили надеть пальто.
4) Ей было разрешено гулять после обеда по воскресеньям.
5) Ребенка силой заставили выпить лекарство.