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№1 прочитайте абзацы текста 1 - 8 и расположите их в логическом порядке. занесите свои ответы в таблицу. №2 прочитайте интервью с кладоискателем и задайте вопросы, ответы на которые выможете прочитать в тексте. № 1 the florida galleons 1) news of the disaster spread. many pirate ships sailed to the florida coast and attacked the divers. some of the treasure was found, but a lot of it was stolen by pirates. the rest of the treasure wasn't found and it stayed at the bottom of the sea. 2) wagner and his friend, doctor kip kelso, looked for the wrecks. they studied hundreds of old books. it took ten years. finally the galleons and their treasure were discovered. 3) then over two hundred years later a few coins were found on a beach in florida. they were found by a treasure hunter called buck wagner. 4) immediately, more ships were sent to find the treasure, but it was not easy. the sea around the florida coast was very deep and dangerous. many divers drowned and others were eaten by sharks. 5) in the summer of 1715 a fleet of spanish galleons left mexico. the ships were carrying gold and silver worth more than £ 15 million. 6) time passed and the wrecks were buried by the sand. the florida galleons and their treasure were forgotten. 7) since then nearly £ 3 million of gold and silver has been found. among treasure hunters the florida galleons' treasure is called "the big one". 8) as the ships were sailing past the coast of florida, they were hit by a hurricane. the heavy ships were smashed against the rocks by the huge waves. all the ships were sunk by the storm and over a thousand sailors drowned. a- b- c- d- e- f- g- h- №2 прочитайте интервью с кладоискателем и задайте вопросы, ответы на которые вы можете прочитать в тексте. записать в тетрадь с 1-10 вопросы, которые задает(interviewer ) образец 0)interviewer- mr. wagner, can you tell me something about the treasure? where did it come from? wagner- from some spanish galleons. 1)interviewer -? wagner- they were taking treasure from mexico to spain. 2)interviewer -? wagner -they were hit by a hurricane near the coast of florida. 3)interviewer -? wagner -eleven. 4)interviewer -? wagner -in 1715. 5)interviewer -? wagner -divers found about a third of the treasure, but a lot of it was stolen by pirates. 6)interviewer -? wagner -i found some gold coins on a beach in florida. then i read a lot of books and maps. finally we found the wrecks. 7)interviewer -you say 'we'. ? wagner -yes, my friend, kip kelso. 8)interviewer ? wagner -in 1959. 9)interviewer -? wagner about 5 million dollars' worth - that's nearly 3 million pounds. 10)interviewer -? wagner -i'm afraid i can't tell you that.

Задание 1.
a-5, b-8, c-4, d-1, e-6, f-3, g-2, h-7
задание 2
1) where they were taking treasure from?
2)what happened to the fleet?
3)how many years does it took to find to find the treasure?
4)when did the fleet left Mexico?
5)what happened to the treasure?
6)how did you find the wrecks?
8)When did you find these galleons?
9)how much does it cost?
10)where is the rest of the treasure?
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Учитель: Добрый день, давайте начнем разбирать задание. Нам предложено перефразировать предложения с использованием данного шаблона. Давайте рассмотрим первое предложение в качестве примера.

Исходное предложение: He doesn't know us well. He won't invite us.
Шаблон: If the weather were/was warm today, we would go hiking.

Теперь давайте применим шаблон к исходному предложению:
If he knew us well, he would invite us.

Давайте теперь разберем остальные предложения вместе.

1. He doesn't know us well. He won't invite us.
If he knew us well, he would invite us.

2. We don't like chicken. We won't buy it.
If we liked chicken, we would buy it.

3. I'm not cold. I won't put on a sweater.
If I were/was cold, I would put on a sweater.

4. Dave doesn't smoke. He won't take cigarettes.
If Dave smoked, he would take cigarettes.

5. She doesn't like ballet. She won't go to the ballet house with us.
If she liked ballet, she would go to the ballet house with us.

6. He doesn't know my cousin. He won't meet her at the station.
If he knew my cousin, he would meet her at the station.

7. She doesn't like coffee. She never buys it.
If she liked coffee, she would buy it.

8. He doesn't read English books in the original. He won't improve his English.
If he read English books in the original, he would improve his English.

9. He doesn't try to save money. He won't travel in summer.
If he tried to save money, he would travel in summer.

10. I have no appetite. I won't take more meat.
If I had an appetite, I would take more meat.

11. They are not here. I won't talk to them.
If they were here, I would talk to them.

12. It isn't windy today. We won't fly a kite.
If it were/was windy today, we would fly a kite.

13. Mary doesn't earn much. She doesn't buy anything new.
If Mary earned much, she would buy something new.

14. Jane hasn't got a video. She doesn't watch many films.
If Jane had a video, she would watch many films.

Я надеюсь, что эти разъяснения и примеры помогли вам понять, как использовать данный шаблон при перефразировке предложений. Если у вас возникнут еще вопросы, не стесняйтесь задавать их.
4,6(35 оценок)
Пример 1:
1. Микроорганизмы - Microorganisms
- Explanation: Микроорганизмы refers to small living organisms that cannot be seen with the naked eye, such as bacteria, fungi, and viruses. The English equivalent is "Microorganisms."
- Step-by-step solution: The Russian word "Микроорганизмы" can be translated as "Microorganisms" in English.
2. Может переходить - Can spread
- Explanation: This phrase describes the ability of something to transfer or transmit from one person to another. In the given context, it refers to the transmission of microorganisms.
- Step-by-step solution: The Russian phrase "Может переходить" can be translated as "Can spread" in English.
3. Через порезы в коже - Through cuts in the skin
- Explanation: This phrase means that microorganisms can enter the body through small cuts or wounds on the skin.
- Step-by-step solution: The Russian phrase "Через порезы в коже" can be translated as "Through cuts in the skin" in English.
4. Можно проглотить - Can be swallowed
- Explanation: This phrase indicates that microorganisms can enter the body through ingestion, such as swallowing contaminated food or water.
- Step-by-step solution: The Russian phrase "Можно проглотить" can be translated as "Can be swallowed" in English.
5. Во время кашля или разговора - During coughing or talking
- Explanation: This describes the time when microorganisms can be transmitted through droplets from coughs or conversations.
- Step-by-step solution: The Russian phrase "Во время кашля или разговора" can be translated as "During coughing or talking" in English.
6. Рас живыми насекомыми - On live insects
- Explanation: This phrase refers to microorganisms that can reside and survive on live insects.
- Step-by-step solution: The Russian phrase "Рас живыми насекомыми" can be translated as "On live insects" in English.
7. Делятся - Multiply
- Explanation: This suggests the ability of microorganisms to reproduce and increase in number.
- Step-by-step solution: The Russian word "Делятся" can be translated as "Multiply" in English.
8. Чтобы осмотреть горло - To examine the throat
- Explanation: This phrase indicates the purpose of examining the throat, which can be related to the presence of microorganisms or infection.
- Step-by-step solution: The Russian phrase "Чтобы осмотреть горло" can be translated as "To examine the throat" in English.
9. Ухаживать за инфицированным больным - Take care of an infected patient
- Explanation: This phrase implies the actions and responsibilities involved in caring for a patient who is infected with microorganisms.
- Step-by-step solution: The Russian phrase "Ухаживать за инфицированным больным" can be translated as "Take care of an infected patient" in English.
10. Защита от рас инфекции - Protection against bacterial infection
- Explanation: This phrase refers to the measures or actions taken to prevent or protect against bacterial infection.
- Step-by-step solution: The Russian phrase "Защита от рас инфекции" can be translated as "Protection against bacterial infection" in English.

Пример 2:
1. Вторжение в тело - Invasion into the body
- Explanation: This phrase represents the act of harmful microorganisms entering and attacking the body.
- Step-by-step solution: The Russian phrase "Вторжение в тело" can be translated as "Invasion into the body" in English.
2. Конкретный вторжения - Specific invasions
- Explanation: This phrase implies specific instances or types of invasions by microorganisms, possibly in different parts of the body.
- Step-by-step solution: The Russian phrase "Конкретный вторжения" can be translated as "Specific invasions" in English.
3. Это может быть проглочено - It can be swallowed
- Explanation: This phrase indicates the possibility of ingesting microorganisms through the mouth.
- Step-by-step solution: The Russian phrase "Это может быть проглочено" can be translated as "It can be swallowed" in English.
4. Через кишечник и стул - Through the intestines and stool
- Explanation: This phrase describes the path of microorganisms through the digestive system and their elimination in the form of stool.
- Step-by-step solution: The Russian phrase "Через кишечник и стул" can be translated as "Through the intestines and stool" in English.
5. Кожные инфекции - Skin infections
- Explanation: This term refers to infections that occur on or within the skin caused by microorganisms.
- Step-by-step solution: The Russian term "Кожные инфекции" can be translated as "Skin infections" in English.
6. Поделены - Divided
- Explanation: This means that the topic or concept is organized into different divisions or categories.
- Step-by-step solution: The Russian word "Поделены" can be translated as "Divided" in English.
7. Полностью развитая болезнь - Fully developed disease
- Explanation: This phrase indicates that the disease or condition has reached its complete or advanced stage.
- Step-by-step solution: The Russian phrase "Полностью развитая болезнь" can be translated as "Fully developed disease" in English.
8. Характерные симптомы - Characteristic symptoms
- Explanation: This refers to the specific signs or indications that are typically associated with a particular disease or condition.
- Step-by-step solution: The Russian phrase "Характерные симптомы" can be translated as "Characteristic symptoms" in English.
9. Может появиться сыпь - A rash may appear
- Explanation: This phrase suggests the possibility of the occurrence of a rash, which can be a symptom of certain infections or diseases caused by microorganisms.
- Step-by-step solution: The Russian phrase "Может появиться сыпь" can be translated as "A rash may appear" in English.
10. Медицинский персонал должен быть очень осторожным - Medical personnel should be very cautious
- Explanation: This phrase highlights the importance of medical professionals taking necessary precautions while dealing with microorganisms and infected patients.
- Step-by-step solution: The Russian phrase "Медицинский персонал должен быть очень осторожным" can be translated as "Medical personnel should be very cautious" in English.
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