Victoria Line, we get out of a tube at Picadilly Circus and walked along Oxford Street. It was marvellous. All shops decorated with lights and colourful bells. The crowd of people at the street was not a burden for us because we were together. Giggling and chatting all the time we almost missed Disney shop.Luckily Dana noticed it and we went inside. Deniz bought a beautiful dress for Ceyda, I decided on two small dolls from the movie "Frozen". Even Dana bought something for her adult son, it was a cartoon he watched when he was a child. It was dark outside when we left the shop. "What can we do now?"
Task 1.
Bagpipe [ˈbægˌpaɪp] - волынка
Balalaika [ˌbæləˈlaɪkə ]- балалайка
Bassoon [bəˈsuːn] - фагот
Baton [bəˈtɑn] - дирижерская палочка
Bow [ˈbæʊ] - смычок
Cello [ˈtʃeloʊ] - виолончель
Chamber music [ˈtʃeɪmbər ˈmjuːzɪk] - камерная музыка
Clarinet [ˌklerəˈnet ]- кларнет
Classical music [ˈklæsɪkəl ˈmjuːzɪk] - классическая музыка
Composer [kəmˈpoʊzər] - композитор
Concert [ˈkɑnsərt] - концерт
Conductor [kənˈdəktər]- дирижер
Cymbals [ˈsɪmbəlz] - тарелки
Double bass, contrabass [ˈdəbəl ˈbæs, ˈkɑntrəˌbeɪs]- контрабас
Drum [ˈdrəm]- барабан
Drum sticks [ˈdrəm ˈstɪks] - барабанные палочки
Task 3.
Aisha: John, what are you doing?
John: I am drawing a space shuttle.
Aisha: Wow! I want to draw a space shuttle too. What do I need?
John: You need a piece of paper
and some crayons.
space shuttle-космический шатл
Woke neither light nor dawn - very nervous before the upcoming test. The weather was bad, and the mood was a match, and had yet to exercise outdoors, but the rain fell in torrents. The first lesson was a story very much like to answer, but the teacher did not ask - left empty-handed either. Caught on the control a difficult task, I asked a neighbor's party to help with the decision, but it is typical, a lame goat will not approach.Asked for literature reading stories A. Green, did not go to the library, my mother worked in a bookstore, will bring. The store did not have the right product, all as it should be: the shoemaker without shoes.Day was bad, everything was going very badly, but you can not hang up his nose, because all that is done, it is done the better.