Если вопрос задан к подлежащему, то вс глагол do или does не употребляется : Who speaks English ?-Кто говорит ло английски? Who plays the piano? - Кто играет на пианино? В остальных случаях используется do ( we ,you, they) They play football. Do they play football? What do they play? Does используется, если подлежащее стоит в 3 лице единственного числа. ( she, he, it) н-р: She speakS English. Does she speak English? What language does she speak? He playS football. Does he play football? What does he play? ( do и does -указатели простого настоящего времени Present Simple )
1. He goes by the name Bill. 2. I’m distantly related to her. 3. We are distantly related on my father’s side. 4. He is not of age, he is under 18. 5. I’m not 20 yet. I’m still in my “teens”. 6. Thank you for the compliment, I’m well over 20. 7. He is about 50, he is in the prime of his life. 8. I was born on the 5th of May, 1956. 9. What country are you from? 10. He descends from a pleasant family. 11. They have brought up 3 children.12. He didn’t return from the war, he died for his country. 13. Did Mrs. White divorce her husband? 14. They say she took after her mother. 15. They still love each other, they married for love. 16. He is much younger, he married her of convenience. 17. My son is about double her age.