dear megan,
thanks a lot for your letter. sorry for not writing you earlier. i've been busy all this time.
i'm glad to hear about your opinion to this topic. as for the first question you asked, i can say that i'm getting news from the school newspaper called the flower of knowledge. most of the articles are about school life. frankly speaking, i really enjoy reading news stories. especially about the people who live in england and usa. there are always share great experiences and they are very interesting too.
anyway, i have to go now because my mum asked me to make the dinner tonight.
take care and keep in touch!
120 words
я сначало на заметки сделал потом уже все
dear megan,
thanks a lot for your letter. sorry for not writing you earlier. i've been busy all this time.
i'm glad to hear about your opinion to this topic. as for the first question you asked, i can say that i'm getting news from the school newspaper called the flower of knowledge. most of the articles are about school life. frankly speaking, i really enjoy reading news stories. especially about the people who live in england and usa. there are always share great experiences and they are very interesting too.
anyway, i have to go now because my mum asked me to make the dinner tonight.
take care and keep in touch!
120 words
я сначало на заметки сделал потом уже все
Their life on the farm was interesting. They often played games with their friends. There were a lot of animals on the farm-horses,cows,sheep and goats.The children helped their grandparents with the animals.They watered granny's flowers in the garden too-
In August John and Sally were in York. They were there with their parents. They all liked York with its green streets and old beautiful houses. They stayed at a hotel and liked it very much. The food was good,the rooms were comfortable,the people were nice.
The Barkers' holidays were wonderful.
In summer the travelled a lot. In July John and Sally were in Skotland. They stayed with their grandparents on the farm. The children travelled to Scotland by train.The weather was wonderful.It was sunny and very warm.
John and Sally enjoyed the food on the train.
Их жизнь на ферме была интересной. Они часто играли в игры со своими друзьями. На ферме было много животных: лошадей, коров, овец и коз. Дети своим бабушке и дедушке с животными. Также они поливали цветы у бабушки в саду.В августе Джон и Салли были в Йорке. Они были там со своими родителями. Им всем понравился Йорк своими зелеными улицами и старыми красивыми домами. Они остановились в отеле и он им очень понравился. Еда была хорошей, номера были удобными, люди были приятными. Каникулы у Баркеров были великолепны. Летом они много путешествовали. В июле Джон и Салли были в Шотландии. Они остановились у бабушки и дедушки на ферме. Дети ездили в Шотландию на поезде. Погода была замечательная. Она была солнечная и очень теплая. Джону и Салли понравилась еда в поезде.