Hi Masha! How are you? i haven't written to you in a long time , but now i want to share my idea . you know, i really like to read, but at the same time i rarely buy books , mostly i take them from the library , or read e-books . But recently, I went to visit my new friend , and you know, he has a separate room for the library , there are a lot of books, neatly displayed in a row , and it really inspired me to create my own home library . I wasn't really interested in it before , but I already bought shelves for books , my dad installed them in my room. I also bought a book, and i'm reading it now . In the future, I want to have a very large home library with a variety of books . Masha, do you have a lot of books at home ? How do you feel about the idea of collecting books? See you soon, Мasha!
Uncountable nouns - are pouring, loose, names of sports, names of school subjects, science, abstract concepts and words with suffixes ness, th, tion, ship, ssion.
For example: news, economy, business, mail, information, hair, paste, freedom, traffic, childhood, snow, peace, work, ice, light, oil, luxury, friendship, behaviour, money, sugar, furniture, honey, weather, luggage, china, rice, sand, grass, glass, baggage, jewellery, permission, paint, cash, blood, meat, butter, bread, wealth, anger, travel, hope, gold, silver, soup, soap, chalk, fame = glory, fruit, dirt, food, coal, ink, cotton, gas, jam, patience, harm, cheese, advice, flu, progress, charity, knowledge, help, sadness, courage, luck, amusement, flour, music, cloth, dust, draughts, paradise, paper, pepper, love, fog, joy, rubbish = trush, mustard, porridge, mutton, linen, compote, rest...
All uncountable nouns are only in the singular, so we don't put the article a, an before them.
All uncountable nouns can be replaced with the pronoun it.
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3. what a traditional menu in Russian?
4. Не помню другие подскажут :D
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