ОгOne summer's day a Grasshopper met
One summer's day a Grasshopper metan Ant. "Let's sing and dance," the
One summer's day a Grasshopper metan Ant. "Let's sing and dance," theGrasshopper said. "No, I'm busy," said
One summer's day a Grasshopper metan Ant. "Let's sing and dance," theGrasshopper said. "No, I'm busy," saidthe Ant. "What are you doing?" asked
One summer's day a Grasshopper metan Ant. "Let's sing and dance," theGrasshopper said. "No, I'm busy," saidthe Ant. "What are you doing?" askedthe Grasshopper. "Winter's coming. I
One summer's day a Grasshopper metan Ant. "Let's sing and dance," theGrasshopper said. "No, I'm busy," saidthe Ant. "What are you doing?" askedthe Grasshopper. "Winter's coming. Iwant to have a lot of food in winter,"
One summer's day a Grasshopper metan Ant. "Let's sing and dance," theGrasshopper said. "No, I'm busy," saidthe Ant. "What are you doing?" askedthe Grasshopper. "Winter's coming. Iwant to have a lot of food in winter,"said the Ant. "Why? Look. There are
One summer's day a Grasshopper metan Ant. "Let's sing and dance," theGrasshopper said. "No, I'm busy," saidthe Ant. "What are you doing?" askedthe Grasshopper. "Winter's coming. Iwant to have a lot of food in winter,"said the Ant. "Why? Look. There area lot of vegetables and fruit. There's
One summer's day a Grasshopper metan Ant. "Let's sing and dance," theGrasshopper said. "No, I'm busy," saidthe Ant. "What are you doing?" askedthe Grasshopper. "Winter's coming. Iwant to have a lot of food in winter,"said the Ant. "Why? Look. There area lot of vegetables and fruit. There'sa lot of grass," the Grasshopper said.
One summer's day a Grasshopper metan Ant. "Let's sing and dance," theGrasshopper said. "No, I'm busy," saidthe Ant. "What are you doing?" askedthe Grasshopper. "Winter's coming. Iwant to have a lot of food in winter,"said the Ant. "Why? Look. There area lot of vegetables and fruit. There'sa lot of grass," the Grasshopper said."No, sorry. I must work," said the Ant
One summer's day a Grasshopper metan Ant. "Let's sing and dance," theGrasshopper said. "No, I'm busy," saidthe Ant. "What are you doing?" askedthe Grasshopper. "Winter's coming. Iwant to have a lot of food in winter,"said the Ant. "Why? Look. There area lot of vegetables and fruit. There'sa lot of grass," the Grasshopper said."No, sorry. I must work," said the Antand wеnt away.
В году триста шестьдесят пять дней, и все они совершенно разные, приносящие с собой те или иные новости и перемены в нашу жизнь. Каждый из них по-своему уникален, хотя бы потому, что ни один прожитый день уже больше никогда не сможет повториться, как бы сильно не хотел того человек. Но есть и особенные дни, они выделяются среди других, они значимы для конкретного человека, потому что с их наступлением в его жизни произошло какое-то значимое событие. А какой день можно считать лучшим в своей жизни?
Кто-то скажет, что нет лучше дня, чем День рождения, другой оспорит, сказав, что школьный выпускной куда прекраснее, а для еще кого-то, самым лучшим днем может стать день, когда ребенку подарили собаку и так далее. Не будет иметь совершенно никакого значения, какой это был день недели, число или месяц, значимы в данном случае только пережитые человеком эмоции, которые смогли произвести на него неописуемо.