1. образуйте формы participle i и participle ii от ниже глаголов, переведите причастия на язык: to discuss, to appear, to occupy, to decide, to write, to grow, to see, read, to make, to go, to come
Hi, dear friend. I really want to see you, to embrace and walk in the autumn Park. But you are very far from menangis we see you soon and my desire ispolnitieli me letters and call write in Internetia I will be waiting for you to call or email. Your friend...И добавь свое имя это на английском
А это на русском: Привет, дорогой друг. Я очень хочу тебя увидеть обнять и прогуляться по осеннему парку. Но ты очень далеко от меня.Надеюсь мы скоро увидимся и мое желание исполниться.Пиши мне письма и звони по телефону пиши в интернете.я очень буду ждать от тебя звонка или письма.Твой друг...
The Anglo-Saxon period gave the begining of a class system, made up of King, lords, solders, and workers on the land. Christianity brought to the people of Britain by the Celtic Church in the 6th ctntury, increased the power of the English State. Some monasteries were established. They became the places of learning. Increased literacy helped to develop trade and England became a well-known state in Europe. In 1066 England was invaded by the Normanswho were led by William, the Duke of Normandy. They defeated the English king Harold II at the battle of Hastings. The Norman Conquest of England began. William known as William The Conqueror, became the English king (1066-87). He gave land and power in England to other Normans who buuilt many castles to control the English people. The history of London closely connected with the Tower? which is among the first historic buildings. It was built in 1087. People say that London is the key to England and the Tower is the key to London. The Tower was founded by William The Conqueror. It was begun with the aim of protecting Londoners from invesions by the river Thames. Sinct then the Tower has served as a fortress, a state prison, and a royal treasury, now it is a museum. It consists of 13 towers. The most beautiful is the White Tower that was built by William I with some stone brought from Normandy. The Tower is guarded by Yomen - warders dressed in traditional medieval clothes. Yes, they did so. The capital city was rebuilt and reconstructed. Sir Christopher Wren was the most important architect who made his contribution to that rebuilding activity. 6. London is the city of great variety, ranging from the nerrow medieval street-patterns of the City to the spacious neo-classical squares of Belgravia. People working in London tend to live further away from their workplace than those in other city, in spite of that fact, the mojority of London homes do not own a car. London has a dramatically higher levels of use of public transport as more people choose to avoid driving in the capital's traffic jams and where access to the centre is strictly limited and parking is almost impossible.
Appearing появляющийся – appeared появившийся
Occupying занимающий – occupied занявший, занятый
Deciding решающий – decided решивший, решенный
Writing пишущий – written написанный
Growing растущий – grown выросший
- seen увиденный
Reading читающий – read прочитанный, прочитавший
Making делающий – made сделанный
Going уходящий – gone ушедший
Coming приходящий – came пришедший