The old man caught a large fish a week ago. - Старик поймал большую рыбу неделю назад.
My mum made a chicken pie yesterday. - Моя мама вчера испекла куриный пирог.
We came home an hour ago. - Мы пришли домой час назад.
My friend drew my portrait last month. - Мой друг нарисовал мой портрет в месяце.
I met my aunt in town two weeks ago. - Я встретил свою тетю в городе две недели назад.
Five minutes ago John put his phone in his chest pocket. - Пять минут назад Джон положил телефон в нагрудный карман.
We all sang our favourite songs last Sunday. - Мы все пели наши любимые песни в воскресенье.
I laid the book on the desk.
I have just laid the book on the desk.
He let me to come with him yesterday.
He has just jet me to come with him.
I have made a lot of mistakes.
I made a mistake!
I have just paid a lot of money.
I paid lots of money yesterday.
I have just run.
I ran yesterday in the morning.
I saw Ann yesterday.
I have just seen Ann.
I shook the milkshake 2 minutes ago.
I have already shaken the milkshake.
The leaves have already sunk on the lake.
The leaves sank on the lake.
I smelt the flowers yesterday
I have just smelt the flowers.
I have just spoken with him.
I spoke with him last week.
He swore that he would not be late to school.
He has just sworm.
The ocean waves swung an hour ago.
I told him a funny story.
I have already told him a funny story.
He has just thrown the books away.
He threw the books away
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