да дикие животные могут стать домашними потому что это уже однажды проверили например волки их сделали собаками то есть приручили.на сегодняшний день есть одомашненные крысы декоративные.даже верблюды они существовали так же как люди были неприрученные но люди решили на них таскать грузы.ну не всех животных можно приручить до конца например медведя.есть животные которых приручили наполовину то есть вроде бы слушается но в любой момент могут напасть.
yes, wild animals can become pets because it has already been checked once, for example, wolves made them dogs, that is, tamed them.today there are domesticated decorative rats.even camels they existed as well as people were untamed, but people decided to carry loads on them.well, not all animals can be tamed to the end, for example, a bear.there are animals that have been tamed by half, that is, they seem to obey, but they can attack at any moment.
1 Oh you are back . How was your holiday
2 Quite nice.
1 Why so?
2 Because we waited untill bus arrives, when hotel gaves us a number and the bad weather
1 Oh , but by your mood is quite good
2 Oh yes despite of all i said above we had nice holiday
1 What you done there?
2 We played card games while travelling by bus, looked around the hotel while waiting a number to stay
1 Nice, I'd like to go with you, but I had things to do.
2 You can go with us next month , we want to visit the modern village near the alps
1 Really i can join?
2 Sure