Задайте 5 вопросов к предложениям. В задании говорится о совершенном, но само предложение дано в настоящем совершенном. Буду писать вопросы в настоящем совершенном. Решение: He has never been to Oxford before - Он никогда не был в Оксфорде ранее. 1. Has he ever been to Oxford? - Был ли он когда-либо в Оксфорде? 2. Where has he been to? - Где он бывал (в своей жизни)? 3. Who has ever been to Oxford? - Кто когда-либо бывал в Оксфорде? 4. Has he been to Oxford or to Cambridge? Он бывал в Оксфорде или в Кембридже? 5. He has never been to Oxford before, has he? - Он никогда не был в Оксфорде ранее, не так ли?
Now we know that the venous blood from the systemic and portal circulation is brought to the right atrium of the heart During the systole of the ventricle the blood is pumped from the right ventricle into the pulmonary artery. The venous is brought to the through the In the lungs the blood discharges out carbon dioxide. When the oxygenated blood has passed the four pulmonary veins it is brought to the left atrium of the heart. Under the pressure in the left atrium the arterial blood which the pulmonary veins have brought to the heart is pumped into the left ventricle. During the prolonged contraction of the left ventricle, the so-called ventricular systole, the arterial blood is pumped into the aorta the main artery of the vascular system. When the left ventricle has pumped the arterial blood into the aorta it is carried through the arteries to all the parts of the body.
It will be sunny.