(И тебе не помешало бы)
5 He is a hero because he saved a lot of peopleОбъяснениеWhat's his/her name? - Как его/её зовут? - His name is Alexandr - Его зовут Александр
Where is he/she from? - Откуда он/она? - He is from Russia - Он из России
Where does he/she live? - Где он/она живет? - He lives in Krasnoyarsk - Он живёт в Красноярске
What does he/she do? - Что он/она делает? - She is doing her homework - Она делает домашнее задание.
Why he/she is a hero? - Почему он/она - герой? - He is a hero because he saved a lot op people - Он герой потому что он много людей
Do foreign languages let you experience the culture of the world?
Foreign languages let you experience the culture of the world, don't they?
What lets you experience the culture of the world?
Who do foreign languages let experience the culture of the world?
What do foreign languages do?
What do foreign languages let?
What do foreign languages let you experience?
What kind of culture do foreign languages let you experience?
+ Do foreign languages let you experience the culture of the world or the culture of your own country?