Подробнее об артикле The в английском языке
В отличие от неопределенного, определенный артикль может ставится перед любыми существительными в любом числе. Но когда?
1. Перед предметами, единственными в своем роде.
The president visited the veterans. – Президент навестил ветеранов. (Ведь у каждой страны только один президент).The Earth moves around the Sun. – Земля движется вокруг солнца.
2. Перед предметами из ограниченной группы.
The wheel of the car was missing. – Колеса у машины не было. (Одного из 4-х колес машины не было).
3. Перед предметами, к которым имеется определение.
The boy that has stolen a purse, was caught. – Мальчика, укравшего сумочку, поймали.The leader of this movement was born in Germany. – Лидер этого движения родился в Германии. (Какой лидер? – этого движения).
(1) My wife normally (works) at home, (2) but she (is spending) this month in Italy.
(3) Most days, Tom usually (cycles) to work.
(4) When does the lesson (start) today?
What’s your brother doing? (5) He (is doing) the crossword in the newspaper. (6) He (does) it every day.
I’m afraid I’ll lose this game of chess. (7) I (am playing) very badly. (8) I usually _ (play)__much better.
(9)What’s she doing? — She (is mending) her husband’s socks. (10)She always_ (mends)_ them.
Yes, you can borrow my dictionary. (11) I (use) it a lot, (12) but I (am not using) it now.
(13) We do not travel) by train very often.
(14) She (is being) particularly generous this week.
(15) It (is snowing) right now.
(16) It’s beautiful! I (like) this weather.
2. How did you get there? - By car
3. How long did you travel? For two weeks .
4. What did you do there? - We went sightseeing an dswim ming in the sea .
5. Did you get tan? No , I didn't
6. What did you buy there? Nice handmade souvenirse for my cousins .
7. Did you like the trip? Yes. It was exciting