Скажите это по . без переводчика. 50 . 1 моя мама врач.2 он .3 я в 5 классе. 4 мы учимся в школе . 5 это дерево высокое . 6 мое любимое место-старый парк.7 это мой брат . 8 его имя виктор.
1.My mother is a doctor. 2. He is Englishman. 3. I am in fifth grade.4. We are study in school. 5. This three very hight. 6. My favorite place this is park. 7. This is my brother. 8. He has name Victor
Я имею свой личный магазин. Я получаю от него большей доход .Я с детства мечтала об этом.мой магазин специализируется на игрушках и одежде для детей . выбирая товар для него я всегда задумываюсь о том было ли мне комфортно в этом в детстве, и я никогда не выберу вещь которая не нравится мне. Я всегда продаю только качественный товар. Мои консультанты очень милые и добрые девушки, которые в любой момент или расскажут о интересующей вас вещи. я всегда приветствую людей приходящих в мой магазин. я люблю маю работу.
I have your own store. I received from him more income I since the childhood dreamt about it.my shop is specialized in toys and clothes for children . choosing the goods for him I always think about whether I feel comfortable in this in my childhood and I never will choose the thing that I don't like. I always sell only quality products. My consultants are very nice and kind girl, who at any time can help, or tell about things that interest you. I always welcome people coming to my shop. I love may work.
is The white House the official residence of the US President?
is The white House the official or unofficial residence of the US President?
The white House the is official residence of the US President, isn't it? Whose official residence is The white House?
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IS Acid rain a kind of pollution? IS Acid or heavy rain a kind of pollution? Acid rain is a kind of pollution, isn't it? What rain is a kind of pollution? Have I (you) ever been to a big city?
I have never been to a big city, haven't I?
Have I (you) ever been to a big city or village? Where have you been?
His english.
I'm from form 5.
We study in form 4.
Its tree very long.
My favorite is park.
Its my brother.
His name is Viktor