Рил без картинки не ясно но попытаюсь понять--
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This family is small. 4 family members,they are: Dad,mom,young little brother(sister) and an older sister(brother если в картинке по другому). Mom works for a (...) ,she (инфа про её работу). Dad works for a (...),he (инфа тоже). Описание персонажей не могу(( Нет иллюстрации которая бы дала мне понятие их вглядов и личностей. :((
картинки не вижу,трудно описать ты бери пример и вставляй слова,используй переводчик,что непонятно будет спроси у меня,отвечу)Скинь картинку или прикрепи к вопросу.▪What do you think when you hear the words “environmental problem”?
~ The environmental problem is very popular in our time,as this problem is still being solved and also every year everything is getting worse and worse.The environmental problem is taking over half the world, everyone is talking about it, but no one has taken action.
▪What is the biggest environmental problem? Why do you think so?
~ I think that the biggest environmental problem on Earth is air pollution,since we do not even notice that the sky is covered with a layer of gray-black smoke and captures all the air.It is impossible to breathe, as it is harmful to health.It also harms our environment, birds and animals, nature and of course us.
▪Do you think people should recycle litter? Why or why not?
~ I think that people should recycle garbage, since garbage is the first problem in the environmental sphere.Garbage thrown on the ground decomposes for about 300 years, thereby degrading the Earth.If we recycle garbage, it will not harm the environment and will be useful to us.
▪Do you recycle litter? Why (not)?
~ Yes, we recycle garbage for our own good.I feel embarrassed and ashamed when people,instead of throwing garbage in the trash can, throw it on the Ground.We must immediately do everything possible to solve the problem.
▪What are the types of pollution? What can you say about each of them? (
~ There are many types of pollution like air pollution,oceans,seas,rivers and lakes and much more.In oekaki throw tons of debris and oil which died the inhabitants of the sea,simply suffocate in the dark mire and debris.The water just differs in that the water used to be much cleaner.Now the sitation has deteriorated and the water is not as colorless as many people think.
▪What should people do to prevent pollution?
~ People should finally understand that it is not necessary to throw garbage into the water, so as not to harm sea inhabitants,fish,and not to transport oil through ships that can not cope with the work,and oil is spilled,so be responsible,do not harm nature,because we are part of nature.If something is destroyed, then there will be no balance.
▪How can we protect the environment?
~ To begin with, organize a supportive service against pollution, collect the number of people and collect garbage at least on weekends, teach everyone that you need to respect nature.To have other opportunities to create machines without "poison", the same applies to factories.So let's protect our environment!