Recently, British Prime Minister David Cameron, speaking in the House of Commons, said that Russia's relations with the rest of the world may change dramatically. Attitude to our country really is undergoing major changes, and this is not only happening on the highest political level. Observed changes taking place in the mass consciousness of citizens of other countries, changes in public opinion of the role and place of Russia in the world, the image of the country and its leaders.Sometimes in the news, citing data from international surveys, there are reports that in Russia in the world of steel much worse attitude, which, according to the population of different countries, the international influence of our country and its declining credibility falls and tensions get bigger.American sociological service stating a fact that the attitude to Russia in 2014 and the situation has worsened takes "dramatic" character. The most significant changes are observed in the direction of "rusofoby' in the US and Europe.
In Russia, the United States are quite critical (52% of Russians give negative ratings impact of this state of the world), and in this issue we have associates - negatively America perceived in Germany (57%), China (59%) and Pakistan (61% ), Spain and Brazil attitude towards the United States also gets worse. According to the study, the worst of all Russian citizens perceive the European states, Israel and North Ameriki.Tolko in seven countries, the population's attitude toward Russia proved mostly positive - China, India, Ghana, Turkey Chile, Peru and Mexico. South American States participated in the survey, although it spoke in favor of Russia, but a significant portion of their citizens (about a third) found it difficult to designate a clear position. Another great difficulty in assessing the role of Russia in the global space faced the Japanese - 60% of the Japanese were not able to answer the question before them.
Unambiguous deterioration in the image of Russia in the majority of international organizations could significantly affect the economy of our country, as those taken in the UN, G7 and G20 decisions are unlikely to respond to Russia's interests. Most countries have a negative attitude towards us, we are afraid of and consider our role in the world negative. Accordingly, the loyalty we should not wait for any economically or politically.The hope is that the numerical superiority of the world's population, positively related to Russia, will provide an opportunity to form a pole of opposition to Western ideology and the formation of the Russian Federation around the circle of associates. But this can happen only if Russia will overcome the inherent difficulties in the economic and the political spheres, abandon alien ideology and remember their own national interests.
It was very cold outside ,so I cought a flu на улице было холодно и япростудился He chose to do homework instead of going to the cinema он выбрал делать дз вместо похода в кино I was sleeping when mom came home я спал когда домой пришла мама Kate cut her hair yesterday Катя вчера подстриглась Paul did housework and drew some beautiful pictures last week Павел убрался инарисовал парв красивых картин на неделе I drunk a lot of tea at lunch я выпил много чая в обед He drove his car very carefully он водил машину очень аккуратно Masha ate an apple two minutes ago две минуты назад маша ела яблоко I was tired and fell asleep я устал и заснул My friend felt himself bad so he didn't go to school мой друг чувствовал себя плохо поэтому он не пошел в школу летом я летал на самолёте в Германию
1.Геодезия (одна из наук о Земле) очень важна для горной науки и инженерии. 2. producing tools and weapon/создание орудий труда и оружия Целью античных металлургов было создание орудий труда и оружия. 3. buying new equipment/покупка нового оборудования Наш декан думает о покупке нового оборудования для наших лабораторий. 4. carrying out different sorts of office work/выполнение различных видов офисной работы Очень скоро роботы будут выполнять различные виды офисной работы. 5. planning, directing and coordinating/планирование, руководство и координация Управление подразумевает планирование, руководство и координирование различных идей, мероприятий и программ для достижения поставленных целей.
In Russia, the United States are quite critical (52% of Russians give negative ratings impact of this state of the world), and in this issue we have associates - negatively America perceived in Germany (57%), China (59%) and Pakistan (61% ), Spain and Brazil attitude towards the United States also gets worse. According to the study, the worst of all Russian citizens perceive the European states, Israel and North Ameriki.Tolko in seven countries, the population's attitude toward Russia proved mostly positive - China, India, Ghana, Turkey Chile, Peru and Mexico. South American States participated in the survey, although it spoke in favor of Russia, but a significant portion of their citizens (about a third) found it difficult to designate a clear position. Another great difficulty in assessing the role of Russia in the global space faced the Japanese - 60% of the Japanese were not able to answer the question before them.
Unambiguous deterioration in the image of Russia in the majority of international organizations could significantly affect the economy of our country, as those taken in the UN, G7 and G20 decisions are unlikely to respond to Russia's interests. Most countries have a negative attitude towards us, we are afraid of and consider our role in the world negative. Accordingly, the loyalty we should not wait for any economically or politically.The hope is that the numerical superiority of the world's population, positively related to Russia, will provide an opportunity to form a pole of opposition to Western ideology and the formation of the Russian Federation around the circle of associates. But this can happen only if Russia will overcome the inherent difficulties in the economic and the political spheres, abandon alien ideology and remember their own national interests.