1you mustn’t 2 has to 3 mustn’t 4 might 5 can 6 can Пишу
Задание Выберите 1 карту и ответьте на вопросы Карта 1
1. С какими трудностями сталкиваются люди, живущие или обучающиеся за границей? ответ на перый вопрос. people who have moved to live abroad face the same difficulties as communicating in a different language, mentality, and other rules and requirements
2. С какими трудностями они сталкиваются? 3. Как они себя чувствуют? ответ на 3 вопрос people feel uncomfortable, lonely.
4. Каким образом меняется их жизнь? ответ на 4 вопрос
Объяснение: of course, life changes abroad. You understand you need more names of friends for language skills and podde. You start reading a lot, watching the news and learning about other people's culture.
2.21 Complete the conversation with the
indefinite pronouns in the box. Then listen and
anybody, anywhere, everyone ,nobody.
nothing, nowhere, someone, something
A: I've joined a group who want to start a
community garden in our neighbourhood.
B: What's that?
A Well, ... thought of the idea in New York over
40 years ago. Most New Yorkers live in flats.
and in many parts of the city there was?
for people to grow plants or enjoy the natural
environment. So local groups started working
to create gardens that people could share. We
think that's... we can do here in our city.
B. But I can't think of "... round here to put a
garden. There are just streets full of buildings.