1) At college we have _a_ computer in every classroom. 2) Every computer has its “users’ groups” and _a_ band of loyal enthusiasts. 3) _The_ first advertisement for __- tea appeared in _a_ newspaper called Mercurius Politicus in 1660. 4) _-_ Eric has been playing _the_ piano since his childhood. 5) Head _the_ south for about half an__ hour and you'll find _-_ St. Mark’s Square or ask -__somebody else. 6) We all use __ computers to get __ information from the__ Internet. 7) My friend Linda has _a_ laser printer. _The_ printer lets her type and print a lot for her projects. 8) _The_ Emperor of __ China __ Shen Nung was boiling _a_ pot of water when a__ tea leaf fell into it. 9) __ Europe is _the_ smallest continent on Earth, yet it is _the_ most heavily populated. 10) _The_ brother has invited me to the__ restaurant of homemade food called __ Joe's on _the_ evening of __ Friday.