The line of hats was more diverse.
Ассортимент шляп был более разнообразен
The President's visit is loaded with symbolic significance.
Визит президента наполнен символическим значением.
The country's economy is floundering and the future is uncertain.
Экономика страны находится на грани краха и будущее неясно.
The dolphin's habitat is being rapidly degraded.
Среда обитанияя дельфинов стремительно ухудшается
We reserved a hotel room.
Мы забронировали гостиничный номер /номер в гостинице/
All of these are intertwined and pose a threat not only to the achievement of NEPAD, but to all the progress we have seen in the past few years.
ответ: Agatha Christie is known all over the world as the Queen of Crime. She wrote 78 detective novels, 19 plays, and 6 romantic novels. Her books have been translated into 103 foreign languages. They are the third best-selling books in the world (after Shakespeare's works and the Bible). Many of her novels and short stories have been filmed. The Mousetrap, her most famous play, is now the longest-running play in history of world theatre.
Agatha Christie was born at Torquay, Devonshire. She was educated at home and took singing lessons in Paris. She began writing at the end of the First World War. Her first novel, "The Mysterious Affair at Styles" was published in 1920. That was the first appearance of Hercule Poirot, who became one of the most famous private detectives since Sherlock Holmes.
Agatha Christie became generally recognized in 1926, after the publishing of her novel "The Murder of Roger Ackroyd". It is still considered her masterpiece.
When Agatha Cristie got tired of Hercule Poirot she invented Miss Mar-pie, a deceptively mild old lady with her own method of investigation.
The last Poirot book, The Curtain, appeared shortly before the writer's death, and the last Miss Marple story, The Sleeping Murder, and her autobiography were published after her death.
Agatha Christies language is simple and good and it is pleasant to read her books in the original.
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