1) English women - Англичанки (adjective+Plural noun) ---> подлнжащее
in our station - на нашей станции > обстоятельство места
have duties - имеют обязанности ( глагол + дополнение)
имеют (что?) обязанности
2) but we, strangers in a strange land, have nothing to do but enjoy ourselves.
но мы, гости из чужой страны, не имеем ничего общего, мы наслаждаемся сами.
we - pronoun, plural
strangers = Plural noun
strange land= adjective+Plural noun
have nothing to do = verb
but = conjunction
ourselves = pronoun, plural
Повествовательное, невосклицательное, ССП:
1) двусоставное, распространенное, неослож.;
2) двусоставное, распространенное, ослож. обособленным приложением и однородными сказуемыми.
[- =], but [-, (…), =, but = ]
they did!
2 I haven’t passed my driving test for the
ninth time. I feel like a complete failure.
3 Losing your privacy is a price you have
to pay for fame.
4 She took her employers to court
and won compensation successfully.
5 Your projects were excellent – you
can all be very proud of your achievements.
6 You’re very talented, you know – you have
an amazing ability to predict problems