Although a number of personal traits are developed during university studies, some human qualities cannot be nurtured through this academic experience. I agree with this opinion and will support my position by considering both sides of the statement.
Firstly, university experience can be seen as an effective platform for developing the personal qualities that may help a student to succeed professionally in the future. Thus, self-organization, both short-term and long-term planning, and punctuality are just a few examples of character traits that young people normally train during their university years as those are critical for students to perform well academically. Expanding intellect is another key quality that stems from university coursework because it inevitably shapes personality and determines future career and life path for a student.
However, it should also be noted that personal qualities needed for effective communication, known as soft skills, are not usually directly nurtured by tertiary studies. One group of such qualities facilitate contact with the outer world and may include morality, kindness or consideration; these are all cultivated beyond academia. In addition, university can hardly develop the qualities that define a person’s general life perception, namely emotional competence, sense of purpose or self-motivation, which are products of other factors and circumstances not related to formal education.
As shown above, not every personal quality can be acquired as a result of time spent at a university. Qualities related to professional ethic can be developed through academic studies, but a realm of soft skills is rather adopted from life experience.
Номер 2
I don't ski in the winter
She doesn't give present
Mr Diddly doesn't have a perty in Rio
We don't travel in the summer.
My dad doesn't cook.
she | he | it ты всегда пишешь doesn't
i,you,we ты уже пишешь don't
Надеюсь ты понял смысл
номер 3
I eat turkey.My sister doesn't eat turkey(моя сестра не ест курицу)
People in Spain eat grapes at New Year. We don't eat grapes(Мы не едим винограды)
Lady Toffingham stays in Switzerland. I don't stay in Switzerland(Я не остаюсь в НЕ ПОМНЮ*)
Mr Diddly likes hot dogs. Lady Toffingham doesn't like hot dogs(Леди Тофингхама не любит хот догы)
People here dance the samba. my grandparents doesn't dance the samba(Мой *НЕ ПОМНЮ*не танцует самбу)
Fernando celebrates his name day. Heidi doesn't celebrates his name day(Я уже не помню*)
She|He|it Ты пишешь только Doesn't(Даснт)
i, you , we , это уже пишешь Don't
Удачи на уроках!
Все правильно.
Номер 1
I dont don't travel the summer.
You don't travel the summer.
She,He,It doesn't the summer
We don't travel the summer
you don't travel the summer
They don't travel the summer
Номер 1 просто нужно было списать.
2.Его сестра не ходит в парк днём. - His sister does not go to the Park during the day.
3.Эти девочки дома вечером. - These girls at home tonight.
4.Эти девочки дома вечером ? - These girls at home tonight ?
5.Эти девочки не дома вечером. - These girls aren't home tonight.
6.Наша мама на работе утром. - Our mother at work in the morning.
7.Наша мама на работе утром? - Our mother at work in the morning?
8.Наша мама на работе не утром. - Our mother at work in the morning.