The main thing for me in the house of my dream is beauty and comfort. That’s what I imagine my future house to be. I dream to live in a private house somewhere in the quite suburb of the city. I will have an one-storey house with all the modern conveniences in it and a beautiful garden around it. There will be a kitchen, a bathroom, a living-room, a sitting-room, two bedrooms and a study where I will be able to work.In the living-room of the house of my dream there will be a sofa, two armchairs, TV-set and a stereo-system. There will be a nice mild carpet of the light color on the floor. The walls will be covered with the light wallpaper to make you feel spaciously. A big standard -lamp will light the room.In the study I would like to have a table with lots of drawers and a comfortable chair. There are going to be the shelves on the walls for books and different souvenirs. The notebook with Internet is necessary to complete the ideal workplace. And also I want to rest in my study, so I would like to have a little sofa in the corner. I like pictures very much, so I perhaps will put some with beautiful landscapes on the wall. To make my study cozy I will put some flowers on the windowsill.I want my kitchen to have all necessary modern equipment such as stove, refrigerator, mixer. I like when the cupboards don’t take much space and are elegant of design.Lots of beautiful plants and flowers will decorate the lawn in front of the house and many useful fruit-trees will grow an orchard behind it.Перевод «Дом моей мечты»Главное в доме моей мечты – это красота и удобство. Вот каким я представляю себе свой будущий дом. Я мечтаю жить в частном доме где-нибудь на тихой окраине города. У меня будет одноэтажный дом со всеми современными удобствами и красивым садом. Там будет кухня, ванная, прихожая, гостиная, две спальни и кабинет, где я смогу работать.В гостиной дома моей мечты будет стоять диван, два кресла, телевизор и стереосистема. На полу будет лежать симпатичный мягкий ковер светлого цвета. Стены будут оклеены светлыми обоями, чтобы комната ощущалась просторной. Большая люстра будет освещать комнату.В кабинете я бы хотел иметь стол со множеством ящиков и удобный стул. На стенах будут полки для книг и сувениров. Ноутбук с интернетом обязательны для того, чтобы это было идеальным рабочим местом. Также я бы хотел и отдыхать в кабинете, поэтому там будет маленькая софа в углу. Мне нравятся картины, поэтому я, вероятно, повешу несколько с красивыми пейзажами на стену. Чтобы сделать кабинет уютным, я поставлю цветы на подоконник.Я хочу, чтоб в моей кухне было все необходимое оборудование – печка, холодильник, миксер. Мне нравится, когда шкафы не занимают много места и красивые по дизайну.Много красивых растений и цветов будут украшать лужайку перед домам, и много полезных фруктовых деревьев будут расти в саду позади него.
1. They can also function to some extent even on days that are overcast. 2. In general, the better insulated double-glazed collectors are recommended for cold northern climates, but single-glazed ones are perfectly adequate for warm climates. 1. До некоторой степени они могут функционировать даже и в пасмурные дни. 2. Вообще, более герметичные (солнечные) коллекторы с двойным остеклением рекомендуется для холодного северного климата, а с одинарным остеклением прекрасно подходят для теплых климатических условий.
The 14th of February is a holiday, called St. Valentine's Day. It's the day when boys and girls, sweethearts and lovers, husbands and wives, friends and neighbors will exchange greetings of love or satirical comment. And the quick, modern way to do it is with a Valentine card.Valentines as we know them first appeared in the 18th century, and were cards with drawings and verses made by the sender. In the 19th century shop-made valentines appeared, and became decorated with lace, real flowers, feathers, and moss.Valentine-sending has now become less, though it does revive from time to time. The first Valentine of all was a bishop, a Christian martyr, who before he was put to death by the Romans sent a note of friendship to his jailer's blind daughter. Comic valentines are also traditional.Here is a story about St. Valentine's Day in one family. The story is called "A Valentine's Fiasco: Her Heart was Full — His Stomach Empty".My Great-Grandma and Grandpa had been married a good many years when she decided that they should exchange Valentine cards as they used to during their courtship. "We shouldn't let the custom die out", she pleaded. However, Great-Grandpa refused to spend any money on "such rubbish".She didn't require a card from him. She only wanted to surprise him and warm his heart a little. He worked hard. Every day he walked several miles across the fields to work, and he was accompanied by his grown sons, all carrying big sticks in one hand and lunch-baskets in the other.On that day the old lady got up very early. She took a real fresh rose from the garden and fixed it on the card so that when the card was opened, the living rose was revealed to the beholder's (loving, she hoped) eyes. Then she packed the boys' and papa's lunch-baskets. All day she smiled and sang to herself remembering their first romantic meeting and the few happy days they had before the babies began arriving.Alas, it all went wrong. When the boys and Great- Grandpa opened their baskets to have their dinner, the boys heard such a yell from their papa, that they were ready to run, remembering their father's heavy hands.Their father threw out an old card and a rose, not reading the words carefully inscribed with loving hand "Amos — my everything - Nellie". "My grub!" — he roared. "Where's my dinner?" — and in case of apoplexy the boys had reluctantly to hand over some of theirs.Poor Great - Grandmama. With love in her heart, her mind had been miles away from her work. She had forgotten to do the first thing which all good Victorian wives were supposed to: "First — feed the brute".