Ёж - hedgehog
Daisy - ромашка
Дуб - oak
Anteater - муравьед
Чертополох - thistle
Pine - сосна
Ласточка - swallow
Nightingale - соловей
Стрекоза - dragonfly
Shamrock - клевер
Вдохнуть - to inhale
Support - поддержка
Переехать - to move
Species - разновидности
Task 1Countries with rainforests sell the wood to the rich countries of the world.Switzerland stopped buying rainforest wood in 1982. Many countries cut down rainforests and plant coffee and sugar. Not many insects and animals can live in coffee and sugar plantations, so a lot of them become endangered and die in the end.One of the petroleum nut trees can make fifty litres of oil every year.Once in Madagascar there were thousands of trees in the mountains and thousands of animals lived there. Without the trees to protect the ground, the heavy rain quickly washes away the soil near the roads and nothing can grow there again, so today nothing can grow there now, and no animals can live there.ПЕРВОЕ УПРАЖНЕНИЕ:
1. -
2. the
3. -
4. the
5. -
6. the
1. They are grown beautiful flowers...
2. They were built a new hospital
3. She has been posted the letter.
4. They will be organized
5. My sister was decorated the house
6. The pupils have been finished...
1. Has been opened
2. Will be ordered
3. Hasn't been told
4. Has beem destroyed
5. Is opened
6. is held
1. Ты должна написать маленькую статью на одну из этих тем: 1) Про свою любимую книгу. 2)Про твоего любимого писатель 3)Про урок музыки в твоей школе 4) Про твоего любимого композитора 5)Про себя 6)Про географию Украины или Великой Британии
2. Are they pencils?
3. Are you in the Year seven?