The guests have already come,but the main course hasn't been served yet.They were offered refreshments (snack) and drinks.
Healthy eating rules are followed by vegetarians-Present Simple Passive. The native people of the New World cultivated corn-Past Simple Active. Their work was begun at 7 o'clock by them-Past Simple Passive. The practice had been done at the restaurant by our group last year-Past Perfect Passive
Some people don't have part-time jobs. Do some people have part-time jobs? Do some people have part- time or casual work? Who has part-time jobs? What work do some people have? Some people have part-time work,don't they?
The guests have already come,but the main course hasn't been served yet.They were offered refreshments (snack) and drinks.
Healthy eating rules are followed by vegetarians-Present Simple Passive. The native people of the New World cultivated corn-Past Simple Active. Their work was begun at 7 o'clock by them-Past Simple Passive. The practice had been done at the restaurant by our group last year-Past Perfect Passive
Some people don't have part-time jobs. Do some people have part-time jobs? Do some people have part- time or casual work? Who has part-time jobs? What work do some people have? Some people have part-time work,don't they?
1)speed of this motorcycle the very powerful.-скорость этого мотоцикла очень мощная.
2)speed of the car increases.-скорость машины увеличивается.
3)I love speed.-я люблю скорость.
4)the cat adds speed.-кот прибавляет скорость.
5)business moves ahead with a good speed.-бизнес продвигается с хорошей скоростью.
6)mother arrived to hospital by car with a speed of 150 км.ч.-мама приехала в больницу на машине со скоростью 150 км.ч.
7)I have an Internet with a slow speed.-у меня интернет с медленной скоростью.
8)I print on the keyboard with a typewriter speed.-я печатаю на клавиатуре со скоростью печатной машинки.
9)speed of my informal conversation the very fast.-скорость моей разговорной речи очень быстрая.
10)I like to go with a speed of 200 км.ч.-я люблю ездить со скоростью 200 км.ч.