1. The king asked the Queen if she was happy 2. The king asked a fairy if she was a good or a wicked one 3. The king asked how much bread had he baked that day 4. The king asked what he was doing there 5. The king asked if he had made clothes for any other kings 6. The king asked if I had won the war 7. The king asked if I would like to play chess (ты, скорее всего имел ввиду это слово в вопросе) with him 8. The king asked whether I can get more money 9. The king asked where was I from 10. The king asked whether I looked well after his roses
Depending on the location, summer can be warm and pleasant or unbearably hot and humid. In the Northern Hemisphere, summer commences in the month of June and ends in September. In case of the Southern Hemisphere, summer starts in the month of December and gets over in March. Traditionally according to meteorology the Northern Hemisphere experiences summer for the entire months of June, July and August. For the Southern Hemisphere the months are December, January and February. Summer is generally known to be the season which has the hottest and longest days in a year. The summer nights are usually smaller than those of winter. It is a very good season for outdoor activities like vacationing, swimming or simply lazing on the beach. Various tropical summer fruits like pineapples, watermelons, mangoes, berries, melons, and vegetables are abundant in summer.