Если я првильно понял, нужно вкратце пересказать каждый параграф письменно.
1. Someone is fascinated by volcanoes. She has heard that Mt. Nyamulagira had been erupting. So, then she wanted to see it. This girl has joined a group of fellow volcanoes fans. Each of them has been carrying their own food, water and sleeping bags. So, some time later they have got exhausted.
2. They saw the first fountains of lava. As they have been getting closer, they can see streams of red lava.
3. When the sun was up, they approached the rim. They have took some fantastic pictures.
С Новым годом!
Use the present simple or present continuous of the verbs in brackets:
The landscape (1) (rises) from the lowlands in the east to the Himalayas in the west. High plateaux and mountains (1) (occupy) one third of the area. The coastline on the Yellow Sea is flat at the mouths of China's two major rivers, the Yangtze and the Huanghe. Unfortunately, rapid industrialization (3) (is destroying) much of the plant and animal life in the country. Most people (4) (live) in rural regions. Rice production (5) (provides) enough food for the local population and surpluses are exported. However, the economy (6) (is developing) rapidly and as a result, China (7) (is opening up) to world markets. China (8) (exports many inexpensive processed goods, including machinery and textiles, and income from foreign trade and tourism (9) (is increasing).
2.the youngest
4.the brighest