First of all I want to tell you that my best friend's name is Igor and he is 15. He is the best person I have ever met.
Igor is very active and creative, cheerful and curious. But the best thing is that he is reliable. We spend much time together. We go for a walk, we play tennis, watch TV, do things which we like.
But we have quarreled recently because of his bad habbit. A few weeks ago he began to smoke. I hate smoking and we had quarreled. We hadn't spoken for three days! Iwas very upset. But yesterday he came up to me and said he had given up smoking. I was happy. I think that he is a really friend.
Прежде всего, я хочу сказать вам, что моего друга зовут Игорь и ему 15. Она самый лучший человек, которого я когда-либо встречал.
Игорь очень активный и творческий, жизнерадостный и любознательный. Но самое главное - он надежный. Мы проводим много времени вместе. Мы ходим гулять, играем в теннис, смотрим телевизор, делаем вещи, которые нам нравятся.
Но недавно мы поссорились из-за его дурной привычки. Несколько недель назад он начал курить. Я ненавижу курение, и мы поссорились.Мы не разговаривали три дня! Я был очень расстроен. Но вчера он подошел ко мне и сказал, что бросил курить. Я был счастлив. Я думаю, что он настоящий друг.
1.Yes i have. Once i opened a file with virus, but antivirus system immediately deleted it.
2.Once one man asked me to send him some money, because i won something. But i understood that it was spam and didn't send him money
3. I use passwords to sing in the publics like Twitter. I have a lot of them
4. I recieve a lot of adverts and messages like " You won 1000 dollars, send message here!!"
5. I think it is safe, but not at all. You order one thing, but you can recieve another one or even don't receive
2. The case is rather complicated. The jury is still discussing a verdict. – Present Cont.
3. The convicted person has just been taken to prison. – Present Perf. Passive
4. Don’t come in! The court is sitting. – Present Cont.
5. The doctor said that the victim was killed a few hours before. - Past Indefinite Passive
1. We are having a lecture on criminology next Monday. – Present Cont.
2. A number of important documents have been already signed. – Present Perf. Passive 3. The accused is (are) guaranteed the right to defence. - Present Indefinite passive
4. When the felon committed the crime he knew it was unlawful. - Past Indefinite
5. When all the evidence was given counsels for both sides made speeches. - Past Indefinite Passive