Если менее половины часа с его начала:
[количество минут с начала часа] past [текущий час].
Если половина часа с его начала:
Half past [текущий час].
Если больше половины часа с его начала:
[количество минут, оставшихся до следующего часа] to [следующий час].
Если минут с начала часа:
Quarter past [текущий час].
Если минут с начала часа:
Quarter to [следующий час].
ВАЖНО: все часы указываются в 12-тичасовом формате!
11:25- 25 minutes past eleven (11)
20:15- Quarter past eight (8)
0:30- Half past twelve (12)
14:45- Quarter to tree (3)
11:30- Half past eleven (11)
10:45- Quarter to eleven (11)
So, the First Omsk fortress was erected in 1717. She was wooden and occupied an area about 6 hectares. Defensive building of fortress consisted of dry ditch in three meters depth and earthen billow in high in On the comb of billow a palisade passed in a 3,5 meter high from spring in earth and the birch logs densely set to each other. On the corners of fortress bastions on that cannons were situated were erected.
To the middle of XVIII of century the Omsk fortress was the key point of the system of strengthening Overhead-Irtish, and later - Пресногорькой of line. However, in spite of reconstructions and repair works, she gradually became antiquated and left off to conform to the soldiery requirements of that time. And in 1750th a question gets up about building of the New Omsk fortress on I save the rivers Оми a right. A commander became a building initiator by the Siberian lines general-lieutenant И. И. Шпрингер. Construction-works began on Mays, 2, 1768.
A fortress was erected as one of the largest building on East of country and was a polygon by an area more than 30 hectares and had 4 bastions and 3 semibastions. She had four gate: Omsk, Тарские Tobolsk and Irtish. In historical part of Omsk saved Tobol