1 New services for consumers are provided by banks. 2 Models to study actual relations in an economy are used by economists. 3 The growth of unemployment was predicted by the economists. 4 Individuals are considered as suppliers of labour and capital by us. 5 High employment was achieved by the government. 6 Correct methods and models were chosen by the economist for his analysis. 7 Many workers are employed by them in the service sector. 8 Mining industry was developed in the 19th century in Great Britain, but many mines were closed down by them in the 20th century. 9 The book was written by him in 1968. 10 These principles in the analysis of the economic situation were followed by them.
1) "Упрощение" языка за счет использования символов-эмодзи, картинок-мемов и различных жаргонных выражений, призванных сократить число символов в предложении;
2) Различные формы заимствования интеллектуальной собственности (как правило, что попало в Интернет-уже "общественное достояние");
3) Замещение реальных контактов с живыми людьми виртуальными "друзьями", поощрение социофобий, соблазн создания виртуальной личности с "идеальной" жизнью.
Конечно, это далеко не полный список возможностей и последствий, а только мое видение данной темы.
Negative aspects of Internet communication:
1) "Simplification" of the language through the use of symbols-emoji, picture memes and various slang expressions, designed to reduce the number of characters in the sentence;
2) Various forms of borrowing intellectual property (as a rule, what has got into the Internet is already "public domain");
3) Substituting real contacts with living people with virtual "friends", encouraging social phobias, the temptation to create a virtual person with an "ideal" life.
Of course, this is far from a complete list of opportunities and consequences, but only my vision of this topic.
2 Models to study actual relations in an economy are used by economists.
3 The growth of unemployment was predicted by the economists.
4 Individuals are considered as suppliers of labour and capital by us.
5 High employment was achieved by the government.
6 Correct methods and models were chosen by the economist for his analysis.
7 Many workers are employed by them in the service sector.
8 Mining industry was developed in the 19th century in Great Britain, but many mines were closed down by them in the 20th century.
9 The book was written by him in 1968.
10 These principles in the analysis of the economic situation were followed by them.