Long,Long ago,in the days when magic was still in some use, and old Wicked Witch put a King's son under a spell. She shut him in a great iron Chest. Then, with the help of her magic she hid the Prince,Chest,and all, in the middle of a lonely forest. No one knew what had become of the Prince,The Prince's father sent men far and wide but they coudn't find him.Year after year the Chest stood there in great wild forest. It so happened that a King's daughter lost her way in that forest.She had been walking for nine days and suddenly she saw some strange Chest standing in front of her.She also heard the Chest speaking. The Chest wanted to know where the girl had come from and where she was going .She answered she had lost her way.The voice from the Chest said it would help the if she promised to come back and married him. She agreed
1 He may come to the party, but I’m not sure.
2 We all ought to take care of our health.
3 Can I have a biscuit with my tea?
4 Would you like some milk in your tea?
5 There is too much cheese in the omelette.
6 I promise I‘ll help you pack.
7 Kim is laughing with a joke she has heard.
1. Глагол may употребляется для выражения предположения.
2. Глагол ought to употребляется для выражения морального долженствования.
3. Глагол can употребляется для выражения вежливой .
4. Местоимение some употребляется, когда мы хотим попросить о чем-то или, наоборот, предложить что-то.
5. Наречие much (в функции прилагательного) употребляется перед неисчисляемыми существительными.
6. Future Simple используется, когда мы что-то обещаем. Часто в таких предложениях употребляется глагол to promise (обещать).
7. Present Progressive выражает действие, происходящее в момент речи.
1. have been learning Я учу английский уже долго
2. has painted Потолок был белым. Теперь он голубой. Она покрасила его
3. has been raining Земля мокрая. Шел дождь
4. has been working Я работает сверхурочно с понедельника