My favourite subject is biology. I really like biology lessons. After all, it is so interesting to study the structure of cells, the types of living organisms. I like all sections of biology. At botany, we studied in detail the structure of the cell, plant species. On zoology - species of animals, insects. But most of all I like to study the structure of man. It is interesting to me because it allows me to understand how this or that organ of my body actually works, what it consists of. The subject of biology helped me decide on the choice of profession, I want to become a doctor.
1 Hailstones are ice lumps in different sizes - as peas, cricket balls or even up to 44,5 cm across.
2 Hail is formed when rain drops start to fall but before they reach the ground they are blown by wind several times up and down into the clouds.
3 By the time they travel up and down the cold clouds they are getting more and more covered with ice.
4 When hailstones are too havy to stay in the clouds they fall down causing a lot of noise and damage.
5 Buildings , cars , plants and crops are usually damaged , also driving during hailstorm is extremely dangerous