8. she was thirsty 9. My friend were at home 10. there was a hotel 11. Miss Brown was very angry 12. I was tired 13.Tmo was very hungry 14. This was a cafe 15. there were a lot of books 16. this was a bus station
The tiger is the biggest and strongest predator in the world. Amur tiger called Ussuri or far East. This is the master of many areas. Tiger does not leave its territory, if feed enough for him, otherwise the tiger will leave its territory and may even attack livestock. Tiger night person, he devotes a lot of time hunting. If that fails, removed tiger and preys on other animal. Hunting, tiger gets to the victim on all fours, arches her back, pushing his rear paws into the ground.
Tigers prey mainly on large hoofed animals such as deer, ROE deer, elk and so on, as well as on small mammals. But in some cases disdain and frogs, birds and mice.
The tigers are color blind at night, they see better than humans in five times.
Tigers are born blind. The tigress is born at the same time usually 3 to 4 cubs. The cubs eyes open after 9 days, and teeth begin to grow in two-week age. The mother feeds the young with milk for about 7 – 8 months. Two months with the cubs for the first time, together with his mother, out of the shelter, and at six months they begin to accompany the mother during the hunt. Tigers live in the medium.(Тигр – это самый большой и сильный в мире хищник. Амурского тигра еще называют уссурийским или дальневосточным. Это хозяин огромных территорий. Тигр не покинет свою территорию, если корма для него достаточно, в противном случае тигр покинет свою территорию и может даже нападать на домашний скот. Тигр – ночной житель, он много времени уделяет охоте. При неудачной попытке, тигр удаляется и охотится на другое животное. Охотясь, тигр подбирается к жертве ползком, выгибает спину, упираясь задними лапами в землю.Охотятся тигры в основном на крупных копытных животных, таких как олень, косуля, лось и так далее, а также на мелких млекопитающих. Но в некоторых случаях не побрезгуют и лягушками, птицами и мышками.Тигры различают цвета, ночью они видят лучше человека в пять раз.Рождаются тигры слепыми. У тигрицы обычно одновременно рождается 3 – 4 детеныша. Глаза у тигрят открываются через 9 дней, а зубки начинают расти в двухнедельном возрасте. Мать кормит детенышей молоком около 7 – 8 месяцев. С двух месяцев тигрята впервые, вместе с матерью, выходят из убежища, а с шести месяцев они начинают сопровождать мать во время охоты. Живут тигры в среднем 15 лет.)
1. Big Ben is a clock. 2. Yes, it is. The Bell Tower of Ivan the Great is the symbol of Russia. On the five tops of the Kremlin towers one can see shining ruby stars. The clock that strikes every quarter of an hour is on the Spassky Tower. 3. Yes, it is. It has a long and cruel history. The tall building is the White Tower, the oldest part of the Tower of London. The Bloody Tower has a history of blood. 4. Westminster Abby was founded by Edward the Confessor. 5. The English Parliament works in the Houses of Parliament. The Russian Parliament works in the White House.
2. Dad was at the work
3.Anna was very worried
4. We were at school
5. Tim was late
6. Danny was scared
7. I was happy
8. she was thirsty
9. My friend were at home
10. there was a hotel
11. Miss Brown was very angry
12. I was tired
13.Tmo was very hungry
14. This was a cafe
15. there were a lot of books
16. this was a bus station