a) Look, that red car over there (will crash)!
Explanation: In this sentence, we are predicting or guessing what will happen to the red car. We use "will" to talk about an action that will happen in the future without any prior plan or intention.
b) Don't worry about the car; it will phone a taxi.
Explanation: Here, we are talking about someone's intention or plan to call a taxi. We use "will" to express a decision made at the moment of speaking or a promise to do something.
c) I think I will be rich one day!
Explanation: In this sentence, we are expressing a belief or prediction about the future. We use "will" to talk about future actions or states that we think are likely to happen.
d) She's pregnant. She will have a baby soon.
Explanation: We use "will" to talk about future actions that are planned or arranged in advance. Here, we are talking about her future action of giving birth, which is a natural event expected to happen.
e) I will call you when I arrive home.
Explanation: In this sentence, the speaker is making a promise to call the other person when they reach their home. We use "will" to express a future action that the speaker intends to do.
f) He will vote for Obama for the next presidential election.
Explanation: Here, we are talking about his decision or intention to vote for Obama in the future. We use "will" to express a future action that has been planned or decided.
g) I will love you forever.
Explanation: This sentence expresses a promise or commitment to love someone indefinitely into the future. We use "will" to express future actions or states that we are determined to fulfill.
h) It's nine o'clock. You will be late again for school.
Explanation: Here, we are predicting or guessing that the person will be late for school based on the current time. We use "will" to talk about future actions that are expected or likely to happen based on the existing conditions.
i) All right, I will lend you some money.
Explanation: The speaker is agreeing to lend money to someone in the future. We use "will" to express a future action that the speaker has decided to do.
j) Can I have a glass of wine, please?
Explanation: In this sentence, the person is making a request for a glass of wine. We use "will" to make polite requests or offers.
k) She will study Medicine at UCLM next year.
Explanation: Here, we are talking about her future plan or intention to study Medicine at UCLM. We use "will" to express future actions or states that have been planned or intended.
Перед нами задача расшифровать и записать слова: ntrapes, rweti, kaste, ocutn, dneac, idytr, osrht, ceanl, olng.
1. Начнем с первого слова ntrapes. На первый взгляд это сложно прочитать, но если мы перевернем его задом наперед, то получим слово "sparent". Записываем: sparent.
2. Перейдем ко второму слову rweti. Его можно прочитать, если переставить буквы местами: "write". Записываем: write.
3. Третье слово kaste. Для его расшифровки переставим буквы в обратном порядке и получим слово "steak". Записываем: steak.
4. Четвертое слово ocutn. Здесь снова нам поможет перестановка букв: "count". Записываем: count.
5. Переходим к пятому слову dneac. Если перевернуть его, получим "dance". Записываем: dance.
6. Шестое слово idytr можно прочитать, если снова переставить буквы: "dirty". Записываем: dirty.
7. Следующее слово osrht можно прочитать и записать без изменений: "short".
8. Следующее слово ceanl, опять же, можно расшифровать, если переставить буквы: "clean". Записываем: clean.
9. И, наконец последнее слово olng можно прочитать без изменений: "long".
Итак, расшифровав и записав все слова, получаем следующий результат:
1. sparent
2. write
3. steak
4. count
5. dance
6. dirty
7. short
8. clean
9. long
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