Как я начинаю своё утро.
Привет, я Макс, я начинаю своё утро так. Я встаю в 7 часов утра, иду в ванную и чищу зубы, потом иду завтракать. После завтрака, я иду в мою просторную комнату и одеваюсь. Пока у меня есть время, я иду кататься на велосипеде, а затем одеваю школьную форму и иду в школу.
1. Anna has a shower every day.
2. He goes to school every morning.
3. He plays football and basketball every Sunday.
4. He swam in a pool last week.
5. Helen played with Harry at the park yesterday
6. Helen was listening to the radio when she heard a strange noise in the garden.
7. I was washing up while you were sleeping.
8. I was reading an article in the newspaper at 5 o'clock yesterday.
9. Richard was working on his computer at 9 o'clock yesterday.
10.She drove a car last month.
11.The children were watching a film on TV at that time yesterday.
12. They usually go to school by bus.
13. We were playing Monopoly when our neighbors rang at the door.
14. When I phoned my friends, they were playing.
15. You slept on a sofa last night.
D Kids
Rosy is worried
1 Complete the text with the correct words.
Rosy is sitting in the 1 playground with her friends Luke, Greg and Anna. it's lunchtime, but Rosy is very worried and can't eat her 2 sandwich. Her hands are shaking because she is really 3 nervous. She has to go to see the headmistress, Mrs Bent, and she doesn't know why. Mrs Bent is the wife of the 4 customer she served in the restaurant. He saw her at Wimbledon and Rosy thinks Mrs Bent now knows that she took a day off her work 5 ealier to go to watch the tennis 6 tunament. Anna knows Rosy is worried and feels nervous, too! Greg tells Rosy that everything will be fine. Luke says the same, but Rosy is still 7 angry with him because he caused all the problems! Rosy tells the others that she feels sick and can't eat. Luke asks for her sandwich, because he's 8 senseless!
Rosy goes to Mrs Bent's office and tells the secretary that she is there to speak to the mistress. The secretary asks Rosy to wait, because Mrs Bent is on the phone, Rosy's legs feel like 9 jelly. Mrs Bent tells her secretary that if her husband 10 phones, she must say that Mrs Bent is already 11 dealing with the problem. Rosy thinks that she's talking about her and is sure that she is in real 13 trouble.