1 Will Tom be at home this evening? Yes, he wll. He'll be reading a book. 2 Will Mr. and Mrs. Harris paint their kitchen tomorrow? No, they won't. They will be painting their bathroom. 3.Will you go to the swimming pool tomorrow? Yes, I'll will. I'll be swimmig there at 12 o'clock. 4 Will Sheila go to the swimming pool with us tomorrow? No, she won't. She'll be doing her laundry tomorrow. 5 Will you and your family go to ice skate on Sunday? Yes, we will. My family and I will be skating on Sunday. 6 Will Sally go to the country-side tomorrow? No, she won't. She will be cleaning her flat. 7 Will Mr. and Mrs. Grant do the shopping on Sunday? Yes, they will. They'll be doing the shopping on Sunday. 8 Will Donald translate a newspaper article in the evening? No, he won't. He will be repairing his car. 9 Will you go shopping after dinner? No, I won't. I will be visiting my friend in the hospital.
1. The journey from London to Norwich (184 km) takes exactly two hours, including stops. 2. The Oktyabrskaya Railways offers additional discounts for passengers travelling to Finland with children under the age of 17. 3. In 1786, William Murdock, an English engineer, constructed a working model of a small steam locomotive. 1. Путешествие из Лондона в Норвиче (184 км) занимает ровно два часа, включая остановки. 2. Октябрьская железная дорога предлагает дополнительные скидки для пассажиров, путешествующих в Финляндию с детьми в возрасте до 17 лет. 3. В 1786 году английский инженер Уильям Мердок, построил рабочую модель небольшого паровоза.
You aren't going to be actors.
They are going to be actors.