Напишите эти предложения по-другому.
1. Майк играет в волейбол, и он тоже играет в футбол. - Майк играет в волейбол, а еще он играет в футбол.
2. Остров Уайт - это остров, остров Мэн - тоже остров. -
3. Папа пьет кофе и чай тоже. -
4. Брайтон - известный курорт в Англии, Блэкпул - тоже курорт. -
5. Я могу танцевать и петь. -
6. В Шотландии много гор, есть холмы. -
7. Я собираюсь посетить Ирландию и тоже хочу поехать в Шотландию. -
8. Детям нравится смотреть телевизор, им нравится играть в компьютер.
Where do you play sports? When do your parents work in the garden? Where do your friends swim? When does your sister do the shopping? How often does your mother listen to music? How often does your father do your homework? Where does your brother play games? When do you go to school? What competitions does your brother take part in? How often do your parents go to the theatre? When do you clean your room? What sports does your sister watch TV? Where does your mother go to the cinema? What games does your friend watch on TV?
1. He couldn't tell the time because his watch has stopped.
2. I haven't seen my brother since he went to New York 2 years ago.
3. I wonder when shall I see Mary next time.
4. Nobody likes when it's raining.
5. The museum is visited by thousands of people everyday.
6. The pop singers have arrived at the airport and are welcomed by thousands of fans.
7. They were still building that bridge when I was here last year.
8. Tom said never went to Disneyland.
9. We wondered if he will take part in the competition next week.
10. When he will arrive at London, he will write you a letter.