Не совсем то, но вот описание зайцев Do rabbit coat usually white or gray. They have a long ears and quick feet, and little short tail It`s color changes depending on time of year. Winter coat rabbit painted white. This make it less noticeable in the snow. And by the summer his coat turns gray color. This is very nice animal. Перевод
Шубка зайца обычно белая или серая. Они имеют длинные уши,быстрые ноги и маленький короткий хвост. Их окраска меняется в зависимости от времени года. Зимняя шубка зайца становится белой. Это делает его менее заметным в снегу. А к лету его шубка принимает серый окрас. Это очень красивое животное.
1) I don’t remember (seeing) Mitch at the basketball tournament. Perhaps he was ill. 2) He regrets (arguing) with the referee as it resulted in his being sent off the pitch. 3) The cyclist had to stop (to mend) a flat tyre during the race. 4) If she tried (using) a lighter racquet, her game might improve. 5) I regret (to inform) you that your injury will prevent you from playing any more matches this season. 6) He means (to move) to Glasgow. 7) The surgeon tried (to save) the patient. 8) Did you remember (to tell) Chris to bring his skates with him? We’re going to the ice rink after work. 9) You should stop (smoking) if you want to enter the marathon next year.