When it was september/ i woke up early in autumn/All of the trees was yellow and red around/ the weather was warm and sunny. There are in parks a lot of lovely couples/ I love this time of year/
Ukraine is a sovereign state; its independence was proclaimed in 1991. Ukraine is situated in the east of Europe. The territory of Ukraine is 603 700 square kilometres. Ukraine borders on Russia, Belarus, Poland, Moldova, Slovakia, Hungary, and Romania.Canada is a vast country, bigger than the United States, bigger than the continent of Australia. It is in fact one of the world's largest countries. Its area is about 10 mln sq km. As Canada extends for thousands of miles from the Arctic Ocean to the United States and from the Atlantic Ocean to the Pacific Ocean, all kinds of weather conditions and scenery are to be found there. на счет того что они похожи не знаю . только вот канада смахивает на украину