Hello Christina!
In this letter I'd like to tell you about Russian culture!
First of all, do you know about the national foods in Russia? One of them is pirozhiki, which is a stuffed bun with a variety of fillings, such as potatos, mushrooms, cabbage, and so on. We also have a soup called borscht, or in other words, beetroot soup. Borscht can be either hot or cold, and is usually served with sour cream.
Our fast food mostly consists of the food at Mcdonald's. Basically, American fast food chains comprise the fast food with we consume.
The modern youth or teenagers these days prefer to rather eat untraditional food. This means American food, fast food, Chinese food, in other words, everything that isn't Russian.
Примеры в русском языке: порог — порок — парок, луг — лук, плод — плот, туш — тушь, падёж — падёшь, бал — , косный — костный, предать — придать, эмитировать — имитировать.
В русском языке два основных источника омофонии:
явление оглушения согласных в конце слов и перед другим согласным звуком,
редукция гласных в безударной позиции.