Hi, you all know me! I'm Masha! I want to tell you about my house.
I live on the 13th floor in a small two-room flat. I share a room with my older sister Dasha. Also we have the Room of mom, dad and my little brother's room. Nearby one toilet and one bathroom. Our kitchen is a little further.
The walls in our rooms are beige. The kitchen has beautiful gray striped wallpaper. And in the bathroom and toilet everything is lined with pink tiles. Each room has a brown carpet. A lot of furniture. Sofas and red armchairs. My bed is green. The table is beige. The sofa in the kitchen is black. Large oven, stove. Etc.
I really like my house.
пришлось поправить "брата Вити" на просто младшего брата т.к в английском это не очень предусмотрено и перевод выходит корявым.
Masha's birthday is on November. Look, Masha is sitting on the table with her two best friends. Masha has got three presents: roller skates, a book calls "Three little pigs" and a video cassette. Masha and her friends are happy. They're drinking coffe and eating bananas.